Switchgrass-Bioenergy And Conservation

They may be cultivars but still related to the original parents enough to be kept in check by natural predators, insects, pathogens

Unlike most noxious weeds that don't have many if any natural checks to keep them in balance, such as knapweed and leafy spurge
Good to know I wasted money on schooling


Didn't know this was about you!

Learn some thing new every day...

How much schooling do you have?

Probably just enough to land a gov. job and now figures any one with out one is a dud... :rolleyes:

One last little note...

With all your intelligence and learning, I don't see the world saved, or even better, not much in the news touting how you've come up with the answers to lifes’ problems, or how leafy spurge for one is going to be eradicated in the world as we know it...

There are better places for you to be than in front of your computer on a hunting board during working hours stalking people... ;)
how leafy spurge for one is going to be eradicated in the world as we know it...
If this happens, which I doubt it will, I'll bet you $100 that the person responsible has had to endure plenty of 'dry reading' in multiple levels of 'collage'. You may not like college or think it's worthwhile, which is fine, but just remember that most strides in the right direction on issues discussed on this forum are solved/remedied by those that've done the 'dry reading'. Just some food for thought...
You could be right

Some peoples idea of exciting stuff is anothers dry read

Otherwise the books wouldn't have been written in the first place ;)

I would guess a bunch of the stuff I was reading when working on my last collage courses a couple years ago you wouldn't have found to exciting to say the least but I couldn't get enough of... :)
You got me, govt job and all:eek:

What you'll never see is me claiming to have all the answers, completely saving the world, or claiming someone else without a govt job is a "dud".

I'd love to see leafy spurge eradicated, but it ain't going to happen, just being a realist. One problem is that the amount of people who actually care and see a problem is small. To lots of people weeds are just another wild flower, without a clue as to the problem.

Oh and I'm not posting on work time, hope that makes you happy.
LMAO... Your a funny guy... :D

You don't have all the answers I would surmise either, matter of fact, you don't seem to have any answers... :rolleyes:

Only silly comments that have nothing to do with the topic at hand... :)

I haven't seen any one on this board with all the answers, matter of fact, I don't remember ever meeting any one with such a talent (I surely hope your not alluding to me with such a gift)

I'm honored that you would see me in such a light as to be all knowing, it’s flattering but not very realistic :p

In reality, I know what I know and there are a lot of topics getting posted on this board and in every day life that I may read or listen to but don't submit an opinion on...

That really doesn't make any difference though, the real issue here is that for some odd reason you have a hard on for me, not that it matters much, nor is it an issue for me, only seemingly to you

To lots of people weeds are just another wild flower, without a clue as to the problem

I'm assuming this is where you lump yourself, just a guess since you seemed to have a need to say it

I do get a few things though, you don’t like my opinions, nor do you relish the articles I find to post on the board...

So what!!! This is the internet; I’m obviously not going to get every one to like me, so choose not to lose sleep over it, I sincerely hope you don’t ... :)

Oh and I'm not posting on work time, hope that makes you happy

I surely hope you don’t go out of your way to make me happy...

First off, I don’t know you well enough :p

Second, it just makes you look like a suck ass and I for one don’t want that label attached to you... :)
Only The Cheese can start fights where there are none.....

I did, however, spit soda on my monitor when The Cheese referenced his last two "collage" courses....
Missed by a long shot on the not caring about weeds being as how I pretty much spent the last two years doing nothing but spraying them and doing land rehab work. Other than that I'm done with this topic.
there are a lot of topics getting posted on this board...that I may read or listen to but don't submit an opinion on...
With almost 23K posts, that's not quite true... ;)

Elkchsr, you do sorta realize that TheTone was agreeing with you? Playing nice in the sandbox?

Jose- Do you drink alot of soda while reading HT?? ;)
Elkchsr, you do sorta realize that TheTone was agreeing with you? Playing nice in the sandbox?


you like to use the smileys because this forum is two dimensional...

I do the same thing but you don't seem to notice... :p
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