Swarovski STC / ATC spotter


Well-known member
Mar 9, 2011
eastern Washington
I've read another thread about this new spotter on here, but was looking for additional/newer insights on these spotters. I have an older Leupold GR 12-40x60 that I like, but I'm thinking about trying the Swaro STC 17-40x56 and passing the Leupold to one of my sons. So, any chance anyone has any experience of the Gold Ring vs. the Swaro? Truthfully, I've always enjoyed pushing other HT'ers into buying new guns, etc, so now I'm looking for peer pressure to help me get a new spotter.
Wasn’t able to compare the two but I was very impressed with the glass quality on the Swaro ATC I checked out.

I really think you need to get one and report back.
Rokslide has a good review on it vs a few other spotters. I have one of the other spotters that was compared to it kowa 554. I’m happy with my spotter so I assume the swaro is awesome
I just went through this dilemma this year. Sold my old HD Leopold. I was between the new Kowa 66 and Swaro ATS 65 25-50w. I found the Swaro to be the best for the weight 8 or 10 oz different). Didn't see the benefit of ATX for the the smaller objective sizes. Maybe ATX is best if you'll really buy multiple large objectives. Did not go for the STC 17-40 because I thought 50x on the wide angle was already sacrificing enough magnification. Just my 2c. Good luck. Optics shopping is always fun!

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