
SW Montana Bears

Good lord Kurt, that's awesome.
You killed two bears in one year I'd hunt a lifetime for.
Nice bear Kurt.

I think we should start a betting pool on how ling it is before Greenhorn shoots a black one, or better yet a normal sized one like 5 1/2 feet.
thanks. He's a pretty bear with good hair but not overly big by any means. 5'9" long by 6' 5" wide. It was really fun tracking him around in the snow. I caught up with him sleeping under a big fir tree, he almost got away. Took a shot at him running, about 80-90 yards away through the timber. I followed his tracks into cave, which had another exit. Thought for sure that was going to be exiting when I saw one set of tracks going in..

Randy.. you'll just have to practice a lifetime at trick photography, then every bear you shoot will "look" big. :D

Pat, I'm definitely up for another trip, especially if you're driving. Have binos, will travel.
We'll take my pickup... My Montana bear checked out Trichinella free...should have enough sausage to feed an army...

BTW, I'm not shooting a black one! The last 4 have been black...probably all we'll see.....grin!
You guys are driving me nuts, now im going to have to start bear hunting. Too bad colorado doesnt have a spring season. Congradulations everyone on an awsome bear season and some awsome bears Im jealous as hell.
Kurt, whens the book coming out.I bet if you wrote a book and I read it even I could kill a bear.
Just noticed I'm at 600 posts,I think half of them have been congratulating Kurt on another trophy animal.
Congrats on another great bear GH. I went out glassing 2 days last week in some "Usually" very productive areas but didn't see a thing. Lots of elk but no bears yet. The grass is just barely starting to get green up there. I'm holding out for the greener grass and elk calves to bring them out.
So one set went in...and another came out and you tracked him further and nailed him?

That is a COOL Den.... What would you have done if he was in there? Wait him out? Go in after him? Smoke him out???
Congratulations Greenhorn. Very, very nice!

It's apparent you have a hyper-developed drive to take down huge bears. I think Dink's theory may have some merit. :D


You don't get near the credit you deserve for being the intellectual leader of Hunt Talk!
I think you'd have to cut in Al Gore on the production rights to the Manbearpig show GH. Congrats on another great looking bear.
I'd love to see a show with Greeny and Gore trying to track down Manbearpig. I've got to think there would be some personality conflicts.

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