SW Montana Bears


Dark O thirty per usual...about 3 miles in and 1300 verticle. Tossed and turned all night thinking about all the grizz I saw in there. All was good the next morning. Really old boar with worn teeth. Check out his feet...some of the biggest I've seen.


.308 GAP rifle shooting 155gr scenars....one shot through the rib cage at 450 meters.
Just finished skinning the skull off the hide and broke out the tape: 6' 9" wide, 6' 7" long....skull looks to be 19"+. Cant wait to find out how old he is...

Kurt congrats on your bear....when are you going to be done picking on the brown ones?

I'm calling dibs on the first good brown one in Wyoming!!....laffin!!
You can always count on an impressive animal & field pics from Breaks and GH. Congrats to all the bear hunters on this thread..
Congrats on the great looking bears!!! This spring and last spring I've really had the itch to try for a bear, but work has screwed that pooch each of the last two years. So, thanks for the sharing the pics and stories!!!
I'm thinking these are NOT average sized bears...:eek:?

I ran across an old thread here about weights a while back and FWP said average was 150#? These two bears posted look well over that ...HUGE...any guesstimates on what they'd go..?

...Also curious what the estimate on dressed-weight (hide/meat-combined) packing out was..?

AWESOME congrats guys!!


Skinning and boning the next day....I would guess this bear to be about 300 pounds give or take. I would say by fall he would have put on 50 to 75 pounds of fat.

A pack out with a bear this size will run about 125 pounds with all the meat plus hide and skull.


A nice bonus to the hunt was seeing and watching this trio of grizzly bears...a momma griz bear with two cubs almost as big as her. They were a little over a mile away and when the two cubs got into a little playfull wrestling match I could hear them growling from where I was at. Less than a half mile from where I shot my black bear. I'm sure there's nothing left of its carcass by now..
Yeah Moe...most guys pull the trig on the 1st bear they see....and more often than not...its 90-150#... The bears like these guys killed are definitely not the "norm"...

anything over 250 live weight is dang nice, big bear...(heck, even smaller than that....we killed a LOT of bears that weighed 200-225 dressed and I dont think anyone wouldn't say they were nice bears)...
It's by far the slowest spring on record for me. I've seen 7 (counting 2 cubs), been out 12 times. Two were keepers.. especially this one.. but no tag. Crappy long range view through the spotter at 60X. He'll be right there for at least another week. Completely killable, giant old blondie.

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