Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Suppressor help


Well-known member
Oct 5, 2013
North Dakota
I am sure this topic has been discussed before but it's the off season so let's chat about it again! I have recently purchased a new rifle Weatherby 307 in the 7prc. I have been doing some research on suppressors. The barrel is threaded 1/2x28. A few of the manufactures i had emailed said i would want at least 9/16 and to rethread my barrel. Look at other sites and they say i can use an adapter. Suppressors also seem to be like trucks people like certain ones while others hate them.

My questions for those of you that have suppressors. Do i need to rethread my barrel? What companies should i avoid? What companies would you recommend. It is not a necessity to have one and i would like to keep it under $1,300 if i could.
I’m not a gunsmith, so I don’t know the answer to the threading of your barrel. But I am a big fan of Dead Air Nomad’s
I just ordered a Dead Air Nomad Ti XC for about $900.

Hard to imagine that an adapter would be insufficient but I'm no expert. I regularly use adapters on my 1/2x28 .223 rifles to put my 30 cal suppressor on, but 7mm PRC is a much bigger beast than .223
For me I would have it rethreaded to 5/8-24 if the barrel is thick enough. If it's too thin you can get a 1/2"-28× 5/8"-24 adapter for your barrel ( stay away from the cheap ones!!! ) or you can get a different end cap for your suppressor that's threaded 1/2"-28. I run dead air nomad on pretty much everything.
I have a 7mag that’s threaded for 1/2”x 28. I used an adapter for a while until I ordered a new hub for the suppressor.
I do have a 300 win that’s threaded at 1/2 that I have a adapter for to use my direct thread at 5/8 I’ve had zero issues with other than that time my can blew up but it did stay attached
1/2-28 is fine for 7mm.

Some suppressor manufacturers site possible side load weakness if the rifle is dropped on the suppressor, on the smaller wall thickness for their reason to recommend larger threads.
Thanks for all the replies! I'm trying to learn as much as i can before I go out and get one.
I just ordered a Dead Air Nomad Ti XC for about $900.

Hard to imagine that an adapter would be insufficient but I'm no expert. I regularly use adapters on my 1/2x28 .223 rifles to put my 30 cal suppressor on, but 7mm PRC is a much bigger beast than .223
Where did you get it for $900? In the market
It’s already been said, but I would be looking at suppressors that have the HUB interface for direct thread mounts so you can get different end caps for different thread diameters. Adding an adapter is extra weight and maybe more importantly length. Most of the ones mentioned in the threads here have that interface, but I would avoid a QD one or one with a fixed direct thread end cap.

I’ve put a few hundred rounds of 7 mag and 6.5 Creed through my Diligent Defense Enticer S-Ti, both in 20in barrels with 1/2x28 threads.
Like others have said, I’d just get a can with a hub adapter on the ass end and put a 1/2” direct thread hub mount in it.

Kind of lame that weatherby doesn’t put 5/8” threads on a 7 PRC but I also wouldnt worry about it if that’s how it came.
I’d advise anyone that has one if they ever have an issue to tell them you are shooting factory loads. When mine blew up silenco didn’t wanna cover it due to the fact I was using hand loads with it
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