
supporting HT members

@wllm and i can certainly tell you where to get a proper coffee

i'm pretty proficient in excel

i can answer questions pertaining to colorado water law and water rights

i can tell you about colorado drawing odds

i have a passion, maybe a talent, for trolling bowhunters
Movi? Is that you in disguise?!

Construction is my thing, I get paid to manage some big projects.

If you want to learn how to catch a walleye let me know.

HT should adopt the policy of any items for sale need at least 1 pic with the current date, and the sellers username handwritten on a piece of paper. This stops scammers. I got screwed over a year ago on here by someone who had their account hacked 🙄
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Movi? Is that you in disguise?!

Construction is my thing, I get paid to manage some big projects.

If you want to learn how to catch a walleye let me know.

HT should adopt the policy of any items for sale need at least 1 pic with the current date, and the sellers username handwritten on a piece of paper. This stops scammers. I got screwed over a year ago on here by someone who had their account hacked 🙄
YES!! i buy some used items off of the Kuiu Facebook page they they adopted that policy.
I find myself talented in business turnaround / helping people run their businesses, not finding elk, making fun of myself for not finding elk, forgetting that I am bad at finding elk and getting excited about the next season anyway... and turning @Stocker on because I drive a Subaru. Other than @Stocker, not sure who on hunt talk can benefit from any of those sweet sweet skills

I find myself talented in business turnaround / helping people run their businesses, not finding elk, making fun of myself for not finding elk, forgetting that I am bad at finding elk and getting excited about the next season anyway... and turning @Stocker on because I drive a Subaru. Other than @Stocker, not sure who on hunt talk can benefit from any of those sweet sweet skills

Could there be a correlation between driving a Subaru and not finding elk? Subaru donates to causes that help you not find elk. Just saying......
Interesting thread I missed last year.

There definitely way more experts on here than have piped up. Someone's sig used to be don't debate Buzz on public land management, Nemont on healthcare, or someone else about something... shit I can't remember.

I've received so damn much good advice on here it's shocking. Everything from finances, to home improvement, to puffy coat selection, even parenting and relationships, or, get this, politics! I literally will default to HT for almost anything when google either lets me down or provides a suspect answer.
! I literally will default to HT for almost anything when google either lets me down or provides a suspect answer.
Same, I've wasted a Ton of time on my phone here. Not all wasted though, I have learned a lot about pretty much anything you coukd think of in life. It's good to get out of your circle and learn some different view points on things. Met some great people here too.
Cool thread. Red Seal journeyman sheet metal worker up here in Canada, also have my Gas B journeyman ticket. Lots of experience in metal fabrication, currently running the fabrication department of company that makes industrial HVAC units.
Hey, me too! I'm pretty good at remodeling and selling houses, but my wife has lately accused me of only remodeling the house we currently live in, which I'm not allowed to sell.
Geez, man. Take it easy. You done messed it up for yourself creating expectations and what not. If you do this right, you’re not supposed to be good at anything.
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Geez, man. Take it easy. You done messed it up for yourself creating expectations and what not. If you do this right, you’re not supposed to be good at anything.

I almost bought a hat that said "Trophy Husband", but I don't think I'm good-looking enough to pull something like that off...
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