Superbowl Poll

Who are your cheering for in the Superbowl

  • Broncos

    Votes: 129 63.9%
  • Seahawks

    Votes: 45 22.3%
  • Don't really care/don't watch football/would rather watch Fresh Tracks and OYOA

    Votes: 28 13.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Eric Decker is from just down the road less than an hour and I have always like Denver as my 2nd favorite team so this is an easy choice to cheer for the Broncs. I always thought Peyton was a true professional as well.

This is not the first I have heard of Sherman I have followed him for a while now. Taking what little I know of him and combining it with what little I know of pro athletes and how they organize their finances I'm going to go ahead and stick with my original comment. The numbers seem to be on my side.
I'll add that just because an athlete graduated high school or college does not mean that he/she learned anything while there. You don't often hear about the really important guys on the team not being able to play in the big game because their grades are not up to par.

"• By the time they have been retired for two years, 78% of former NFL players have gone bankrupt or are under financial stress because of joblessness or divorce."
Both great players. After watching every game they have played together I have come to the conclusion that Sherman is slightly over rated and Thomas is way under rated. I don't think Sherman can gamble and play like he does without Thomas.
Both great players. After watching every game they have played together I have come to the conclusion that Sherman is slightly over rated and Thomas is way under rated. I don't think Sherman can gamble and play like he does without Thomas.

Of course not, that is the brilliance of football as a team game and more specifically the way the Seahawks play man-3. They can put Sherman and Maxwell/Thurmond on an island and have Thurmond over the top. Chancellors and the OLBs ability to cover the flats/slants also allow for the above to happen.

Love Pete or hate Pete, this defense is incredible, and done with guys that were passed over and passed over in the draft. Amazing job of placing the right parts in the right place.

Since Richard Sherman entered the NFL:
• 1st in picks (20)
• 1st in passes defensed (61)
• Opponent QB Rating when targeted 39.4 (1st)

As to Sherman being broke, it certainly can happen, but if you look into his past it's pretty incredible. Great parents who opened their house to any kids in their neighborhood. They fed a lot of hungry kids who came from very dark places, in turn the neighborhood gangs protected the Sherman boys, and kept them out of the gangs.
It's easy to hate Sherman based on the few seconds of tape after the NFC championship game. But, that is how many people have formed their opinion. Watch the man play football and actually look at what he does off the field and it's a whole different story. Not sure why people are concerned whether or not he can keep his money made during his career. mtmuley
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It's easy to hate Sherman based on the few seconds of tape after the NFC championship game. But, that is how many people have formed their opinion. Watch the man play football and actually look at what he does off the field and it's a whole different story. Not sure why people are concerned whether or not he can keep his money made during his career. mtmuley

Like I said I was a Seattle fan. I watched him get drafted this is nothing new for him. His communications professors must be so proud of their graduate.
Yeah, watching a guy get drafted will give one deep insight into the strength of his character. mtmuley
Rut Junkey was the random number drawn for this Super Bowl poll. Hopefully he will get in touch with me and give his mailing address, so I can get a couple DVDs to him.
What? I missed a poll? Was the poll whether or not this was the worst superbowl you had ever seen?
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