Kenetrek Boots

Superbowl Picks...

Congratulations to all the cheeseheads. Secretly pulling for ya during the game, even though we're bitter rivals.:D
How about Packers 31- Steelers 25.

I hate the steelers now. I was in a huge money board here and if the final score would have been Pack 31-Steelers 24, i would have walked away with just over $6,000 f'n dollars!!!! That 2 point conversion was almost enough to make a guy jump in front of a car:mad::mad::mad: I can't belive that one play took away a 6K day! I can't sleep i'm still so pissed about it.
I was excited to see GB win it. The commercials were okay but dang, the halftime show sucked big time. The Black Eyes Peas are horrible when they sing live.....
Interesting motivation that worked...:cool:

ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) -- Green Bay Packers coach Mike McCarthy isn't exactly known for his public displays of bluster, and didn't provide anything even close to bulletin board material for the Pittsburgh Steelers in the buildup to the Super Bowl.

Behind closed doors, though, McCarthy pulled something pretty brazen the night before the game: He had his players fitted for rings.

Then they went out and beat the Steelers 31-25 on Sunday.

McCarthy's motivational ploy came as a shock to Packers players, and center Scott Wells says that moment was when the possibility of winning the Super Bowl "became real" to them.

(Copyright 2011 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
McCarthy seems a good dude. Funny how a story like that sounds completely different if, let's say, Rex Ryan, does it. It was a very good game. Rodgers deserved MVP.
Decent game all-n-all, kind of glad it's over and now we can get back to the normal "Rodgersless" programming. First though it kind of cool a local boy making good but dayam did they wear his mug out on the local stations around here....

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