PEAX Equipment

Sunday Pic of the Day

I tried shooting a squirrel that was barking at me in my treestand. Just missed him and my arrow buried into the tree 15 yards from me, and 30 feet off the ground. Made me mad every time I sat in that stand. That arrow was a “hey, remember how stupid you are?” Reminder for a long time.
I got smart last year and started carrying one super cheap-o Cabela's Special arrow in my quiver, furthest spot forward. Now when I send one to the Sweet Baby Chuy I'm only out $5.
I tried shooting a squirrel that was barking at me in my treestand. Just missed him and my arrow buried into the tree 15 yards from me, and 30 feet off the ground. Made me mad every time I sat in that stand. That arrow was a “hey, remember how stupid you are?” Reminder for a long time.
When I was in Maui a couple weeks ago my guide left one of my carcasses in his front yard. I asked him if we should haul it off. He said no, that his 24 year old (or so) daughter would sit on their raised porch and shoot the mongooses that came to eat the carcasses with her bow. Pretty dang impressive. She busted up arrows but didn’t mind. She just used practice arrows but gets a dozen or so on every carcass. Pretty girl. She’s going to have her own reality show next year but that’s another story. Did I mention she was pretty?
A quick hike to look out over the local farmland and the mountains beyond. Then to the range with middle son to get in some more practice for his upcoming hunt. Had to snap a photo of the 1 and 5/16th inch group he shot at 200 yards... Hopefully he can hold that steady if he gets a pronghorn in the scope.

John Colter Race, Headwaters State Park, lots of hills and two water crossings. Wore my Great Falls HS '63 shirt and got several Bison cheers from more recent graduates. Wore my Vietnam veteran cap to run in memory of Vets who could not join me for this fun race.

Race participants receive a cool shirt, socks, a towel to dry after the water crossings, burgers, beverages, and beers out of the kegs. It was a fun event on a gorgeous day at the headwaters. Gotta love Montana!

I thanked the MSU Bobcat Army ROTC color guard and rear guard of cadets who "had our six" and came across the line with the colors after all others completed the run. I told them of my MSU Bobcat Army ROTC '67 vintage and expressed my envy at their just now beginning their careers. They seemed to appreciate seeing an old soldier still charging up the hills! But I think the only racer behind me was an old guy with a wooden leg!
Stuck out tongue winking eye

Gallatin River crossing.jpg
John Colter shirt.jpg
GFHS 63.jpg
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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