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Suggestions for a new pack


Jan 25, 2020
Global Citizen
I love my Blackhawk pack for hauling in loads of base camp. Tons of storage, durable and fits the body. Looking at other options for a musk ox and caribou hunt. My day pack is great, but on this trip, I will be going to hunt tundra and mountains so it needs to be light to carry day in and out but also durable to haule out a full cape and meat. Was thinking a light frame pack but figure some folks may have a few suggestions.
I will used my cabelas Alaska bag for sleeping bag , cloths and gear for haul in and the flight but need a pack that is light enough to hump all day and haul out up to 130 lbs of cape and meat.
thanks and look forward to suggestions.
Not to kick a dead horse but here's the kick, lots of discussion on this on this site. If you're looking for a bag its all about fit and what you need it to do. SG, EXO, kifaru, mystery ranch probably the most popular right now and I don't think you'll be disappointed with any of them. @wllm1313 has one of the better pack threads going i think on real feedback for what's out there. It's call why my pack sucks or something to that extent, there's also a ton of discussion on this topic as well. Good luck.
Not to kick a dead horse but here's the kick, lots of discussion on this on this site. If you're looking for a bag its all about fit and what you need it to do. SG, EXO, kifaru, mystery ranch probably the most popular right now and I don't think you'll be disappointed with any of them. @wllm1313 has one of the better pack threads going i think on real feedback for what's out there. It's call why my pack sucks or something to that extent, there's also a ton of discussion on this topic as well. Good luck.
Probably your two biggest things to determine are 1. How much you’re willing to spend and 2. How much you’re willing to spend. Then make your choice from there.

I got opposite... find what fits you the best, then try not to choke while you're writing out the check. It's like asking "what boots are the best?" Tons of opinions, but you're the only one with your feet.

What pack is best? Well, you're the only one with your back/hips/shoulders. Try them on with a load, and buy what feels best.
I recently got myself a pack. I ended up getting a mystery ranch metcalf. I havent hauled any meat but put gear and hiked a bit with it. This thing feels amazing love the belt padding. I tried a buddies cheap frame pack and was a big difference in comfort with not much load in them. For the price i think its a good deal, might even grab the mule bag for day hunts. I cant wait to put some deer and elk meat on my back with this pack to give a better review.
Ya its like a caliber or gun thread. Such a personal and pet choice. I have many packs and my go to is Kuiu, to me nothing is close. I have had mine for 6 -7 years and packed out 4 elk and several deer. But see thats my pet choice. The next guy will say he hates Kuiu. Its like a 6.5 Creedmore thread, many people think they are the greatset thing since slice bread, and your are an overnight sniper. I had a BB gun when I was a kid, I thought the same thing, again nothing wrong with it, just opinions.
Just a simple question. I have some good packs but want a great pack. BTW the best boot brand Austrian made Meindl. Not the Cabrls copies. Hands down caliber depends on hunt but my Christensen 300 RUM is a killer. Topped with 3-14x 55 Swarovski and Ammo custom crafted with Barnes TSX I will go toe to toe with anything from speed goat to brown bear and you know it is really personal choice. And budget. If to would drop me a link as I will not be back in the States till Sept so will need to order ahead. 18C77A0A-B486-48FD-8B1B-1E22E8813C9A.jpeg

100% American made. Not just assembled in the US with components manufactured somewhere else.

I like my reckoning, but they've updated a lot of their designs in the last couple of years. It's what fit me the best.
I have used some cheaper just normal backpacking packs for hunting purposes and meat hauling, but recently switched to a Metcalf after breaking my other packs frame. So far I have only been able to use the Metcalf for day hunts and it is able to compress down pretty slim for tht style of hunting too.
Had anyone used the mystery ranch mule? I ran into a guy through work that had one. It seemed like a lightweight sturdy pack, and the guy said he’d packed out several elk with it and he loved it. It’s a bit smaller than a lot of packs.
I’m a big fan of the EXO, they are light and pack well. I‘ve packed out 3 bulls, a 1trip muley buck, and a 1trip Desert BigHorn; the setup and options / accessories are great.
Happily using Stone Glacier since they were loaning demo packs out of Kurt's house. Have had Kifaru and MR, I'm sure Exo is fine too. I have no current interest in moving on from SG after who knows how many loads.
I would check the classifieds over at RokSlide. Lots of lightly used packs get sold over there. If you decide you don't like something and want to resell it, you won't be out as much as buying new
Had anyone used the mystery ranch mule? I ran into a guy through work that had one. It seemed like a lightweight sturdy pack, and the guy said he’d packed out several elk with it and he loved it. It’s a bit smaller than a lot of packs.
I bought the metcalf with plans on getting the mule pack later. I like the mule as a day option or maybe shed hunts. I would definitely look into this in the future. But with how well the Metcalf compresses may never need the smaller one.
Thanks I will take a look over at rockslide. I really like to try a pack on for fit but these days quality packs have enough to ways to adjust to body side and load. Will have to find the picture of packing in Alaska. Had a drop off on the wrong side of the marsh at high tide then had a 6 mile hike with a full black hawk pack and my day pack on the top of that. I guess I was humping about 3/4 my weight across that nasty marsh. Did hike out a good bear and the meat but took several washings to get the blood and smell out that thing.

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