Stuff you don't like for no good reason

My great great uncles went by dutsie & peewee... their parents, big daddy and big mama. Big daddy left big mama for a woman named Teal but then things didn't work out and so he came back. She never spoke to him again but they sat on the porch together in their rocking chairs, not speaking, for decades.

That family dynamic would have really made it's own gravy for a guy like Faulkner.
Hmmm. This explains a lot.😄
wllm1313 said:
My great great uncles went by dutsie & peewee... their parents, big daddy and big mama. Big daddy left big mama for a woman named Teal but then things didn't work out and so he came back. She never spoke to him again but they sat on the porch together in their rocking chairs, not speaking, for decades.

Cormac's next screenplay...aka, great story
wllm1313 said:
My great great uncles went by dutsie & peewee... their parents, big daddy and big mama. Big daddy left big mama for a woman named Teal but then things didn't work out and so he came back. She never spoke to him again but they sat on the porch together in their rocking chairs, not speaking, for decades.

Cormac's next screenplay...aka, great story
I'd watch.
wllm1313 said:
My great great uncles went by dutsie & peewee... their parents, big daddy and big mama. Big daddy left big mama for a woman named Teal but then things didn't work out and so he came back. She never spoke to him again but they sat on the porch together in their rocking chairs, not speaking, for decades.

Cormac's next screenplay...aka, great story

And you're spouse will still talk through the whole thing, asking you what happens next, or demanding you outline the whole character arc even though you haven't seen the damned film either.
For no reason...
Midwest, East, Northeast, South, Southeast.
Appalachian mountains
Disk golf
regular golf
people who are overly polite
people who laugh when there're nothing funny
trekking poles
the location of the ' button on a keyboard
trail cameras
google street view pano's in places besides roads (like mountain tops)
whitetail deer
Redundant TV series running in the same season. Look for these coming soon: "NCIS: Land of Oz" and "Law and Order Special Shoplifting Unit." And reality shows. They're all redundant because they're all fake.

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