Caribou Gear

Strategy to harvest Ruffed Grouse or other game birds

LOL you guy's...
I had an incident where I was walking along a fence line in South Cle Elem, following a very fresh set of elk tracks. As I was sneaking along, senses at full, three of the little buggers flushed in to both sides and in front of me, they took off just about 18" off the front of my next foot fall.... After you get your heart to stop, you change arrows to a bird arrow and go get one.... It did suck not being able to carry a fire arm with you during bow season though, it does a lot less damage than an arrow coming out of a bow set at 85 lbs.... ;) :D
"All birds when they take off fly into the wind."
BS. Start watching birds take off. You think if the wind is coming from behind you the birds are going to take off toward you? You think a pheasant is going to take off toward the hunter and then make a 180 degree turn or even a 90 degree turn, just so he can launch into the wind? How many birds you ever seen take off toward you when you flushed them? Go chase a duck with the wind at your back and watch which way it flushes. Go kick up a grouse ten feet in front of you with the wind at your back and see if it takes off toward you! Next time you see a dog point a bird walk around and approach the bird with the wind at your back and watch which way it goes! Jump a chukar off a hillside and watch which way it goes-no matter where the wind is coming from! You think it's going to launch uphill if that's where the wind is coming from?
I think that when they can, they will use the wind. But, as you mentioned, they will always take flight away from danger. Don't rule out the wind though, when the bird thinks it's clear, often will turn into the wind.
