
Story of ID F&G......

That wasnt the buck that was shot just past carey with a rifle during bow season was it ?
idscout2 - No the buck that is in question was shot with a rifle during a traditional muzzy hunt last october.
Still nothing going on with the story yet.
I am out of it. Had bad blood with the Taxidermist friend.Dude turned real wierd. So I have backed out of this situation. But have not heard anything except from a F&G officer about the Fed's are picking up the case as the horns where taken back east. So interstate whatever they call it.
But as stated in the opening the buck was allegedly shot on a super tag in a ML only hunt. 52 last year was divided by HWY 75 east to west. East side ML West side rifle.
But like I said I have backed out of it. To many things and stories. They are on there own.
But will keep everyone posted of the story.
Supersider, Well! After all your super critical comments about the ID F&G and your vociferous defense of your "friend" you sure backed down fast! How much trouble and ill will did you stir up for ID F&G while you were clamoring about how innocent your buddy was? Doesn't it seem odd that such a "simple" case to prove is still under investigation?

If I had been accused of poaching and were innocent I would have been right out at the kill spot the next day with a F&G officer showing and video taping the kill spot, blood trail, gut pile, landmarks and everything else that would have proved my innocense. We'd be getting blood and DNA samples, video testimony from any witnesses and so much evidence to support my case that any prosecuter would have seen that he was wasting his time and the court's time. It would have been an open and shut case real fast. I have to say this is sure turning out to be a long drawn out case for something that is so easy to show who a person is innocent.

If your great friend is found guilty are you going to spend as much time talking about how the F&G was correct as you've spent disparaging them?
I have friends in the F&G. I was told by my friend facts as he told them to me. I am not against F&G and as I wrote on other forums I have only had 1 run in with a F&G officer. That was in the office.
My friend told me of all the F&G officers that came to his shop and how he was harrassed by them. So to take my friends side I was told wrong facts. Later when I went to a F&G big game meeting I had a couple officers know me by supersider34. I was told then that my friend or taxidermist never had a license to do taxidermy. Not a state license. Hence when told I backed away from this legal problem. Now after confronting this problem with my friend. I still have out at his shop a antelope and badger hide from 2003 getting tanned. Paid for. A spring bear from 2004 and wifes 2004 fall bear and my cape from 2004 off my big 205 3/8ths buck which I will probably never see. You seem to think I am not pissed. I was mad at a story fabricated by my so called friend. I will stick up for a friend if need be. Only thing is I can as a man admit being wrong and will say so. As you can see I have stuff still with the taxidermist in question and hopefully will see my stuff returned to me. I can not see all of this stuff taking the time to just get tanned as I did get my spring bear back from a tannery that I killed this spring on May 18th. I got it back a couple weeks ago.
As for the buck in question I do not know whats up with that and will post the story when I find out.
Still in court. Heard different accounts on outcome. But will have to wait to see.
As for the friends Taxi shop he got a citation for having no Taxidermist license for the last 3 yrs. F&G gave him court costs and to pay the $25 or $30 a year for the last 3 years so was $75 - $90 for back Taxidermist license and the court costs.
something that is still in court this long sounds like there is a lot of evidence against him or it would probably been settled out of court with the DA
I heard several things. There is 4 of them still fighting it I guess. Dont talk to any of them anymore. Well only knew the 1. My ex friends Dad is the only one I knew. Then I hear the Dad spreading rumors about hearing a story from a guy that came into the sporting goods store about me. What a joke. Will have to wait and see what happens.
finally...the rest of the story.

If I could find a way to link a pdf.

The final outcome was that the IDF&G proved that the supertag buck was killed in a muzzleloader unit with a rifle.

How about a little copy and paste? Looking forward to hearing "the rest of the story".

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