Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Stop Doing This!

What kind of brain-dead jackanape would pass a working snow plow on the right??

> vehicle is described as possibly a silver dually crew-cab pickup truck

dashcams will help identify people :)...maybe they already have them. Seems they have someone already...
the driver is probably a transplant from here. 😂
I think we have a a lock on the worst (read that most entitled and impatient) local drivers in the US.

I was going to say that we have been the fastest growing state in the nation and have the fastest growing number of snow plow collisions. Statistics don't lie.
God bless them if they can hit a snow plow in Florida.

And God bless Florida. Idaho thanks you.
How hard is it? Where do have to be so quickly? Late for a meeting with your contractor at your new view lot?

Bonneville County, lmfao. I can assure you it wasn't a NR...And they were probably in a hurry because they forgot to turn off the burners at the meth lab trailer..Screenshot_20221228_135516.jpg
That neck of the woods? Absolutely.

Dollars to donuts they were wearing bedazzled jeans and square toe boots as well.
When I hunt ID, I drive to Soda Springs, stay the night at a motel and drive the last couple hours to camp the next morning. Every year without fail the motel parking lot is full of UT plates. The thing that I don't understand is, their basecamp is the motel, they just drive around all day and return to the momo every night. I'm not sure about the square toe boots, but the bedazzled Jeans comment is spot on.

Reminds me of when my wife and I were driving the ALCAN in late December of 2015. We’re in a dodge 2500 w/ a cabover camper and hauling a 5x8 cargo trailer in northern BC on a 2 lane hwy. Going around a bend, there’s a snowplow in the oncoming lane, then all of a sudden there comes a yellow wrangler whizzing right at us. Driving into on coming traffic, around a bend, on a snow & ice covered road. How dumb can one be?!

I thought for sure we were going to die, as there was no guard rail or shoulder to speak of, just a sharp drop down the mountain. I couldn’t have gotten out of their way if I wanted to.

Luckily they were able to squeeze back behind the plow right before we collided head on. Closest call of my life so far.

Reminds me of when my wife and I were driving the ALCAN in late December of 2015. We’re in a dodge 2500 w/ a cabover camper and hauling a 5x8 cargo trailer in northern BC on a 2 lane hwy. Going around a bend, there’s a snowplow in the oncoming lane, then all of a sudden there comes a yellow wrangler whizzing right at us. Driving into on coming traffic, around a bend, on a snow & ice covered road. How dumb can one be?!

I thought for sure we were going to die, as there was no guard rail or shoulder to speak of, just a sharp drop down the mountain. I couldn’t have gotten out of their way if I wanted to.

Luckily they were able to squeeze back behind the plow right before we collided head on. Closest call of my life so far.
Reminds me if when I was a kid going up North to WI ice fishing over winter break. Grandpa would be drinking his coffee laughing every morning while reading the paper. I asked my uncle what he was doing and grandpa heard me and said...."Reading about all the "Out of state" snowmobile deaths!" Of course that was the edited reply but the rest of the morning was about how every snowmobile trail runs by a bar, damn snowmobiles just mess up ice fishing, but good because it is thinning the herd. 4 hrs later still going on about it while he is throwing my huge crappie back in because "There is no meat on those just a waste of time fileting them!" That at least got him off the subject of out of state snowmobilers!
Long Way from Utah, but the ripples hit us even here.

We actually managed to get into the Breakfast Club in Moscow yesterday. As we were leaving, we watched a guy in a BTLD pull a U-Haul flatbed into the Moscow Muni parking lot.
IYKYK this is a tight lot.

He was in trouble from the start. He ended up rubbing one of those big fat tires down the side of another kid's beater sedan. The victim and his buddy were still in the car when it happened. Adult words were exchanged. Then it cooled down. Victim's buddy has cell phone out taking video of everything. I see him walk in for the tight shot of the BTLD license plate.

I stood there LMAO watching them exchange info. Then I backed my old man sissy GMC (with all the stickers on the back window) out and headed home.
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