
Stolen in Western Colorado

Hi guys,

My entire backpack camp was stolen in a remote area of La Plata county Colorado around August 30th.

Please keep an eye out for:

1)- Spotting scope: Minox MD62 ED with 21-42 L.E.R. eyepiece. Model # 62212 Serial # 61000105.

2)- Vortex Ridgeline tripod

3)- Mountain Hardware 3 man tent

4)- Marmot Flathead 20 degree Long model sleeping bag

5)- Big Agnes Q-Core sleeping pad

6)- MSR Rocket stove

7)- Olicamp XTS cook pot

Authorities have been contacted.

This has really put a crimp in my mountain goat hunt.

Please keep an eye out at pawn shops, Craigslist, etc.

Cash reward offered.

Do you have any pictures or color descriptions of any of the camp items? I'm browsing Craigslist and it is difficult to really pick through postings without knowing what I'm looking for.

Someone else posted on one Craigslist ~End of July that they had a bunch of stuff stolen from their camp as well.
I hate that for you, Durango is full of those who would love to disrupt a man's hunt. That is one of the reason's we jumped over to Pagosa Springs. You either got hit by some Meth Heads or like we had to deal with little rich kid animal rights weirdos. I will qualify this by saying the people who lived there before it was taken over by the rich are rock solid folks. John
T, this makes me sick.
Anyone who has ever met T-bone knows he is one of the nicest guys on the planet, and doesn't deserve this.
I would be willing to loan you gear for your goat hunt, but 99% of my gear is not as cool as yours is (was).
As long as your hunt doesn't overlap my elk hunt (October 17-26), I have a nice pair of 8X42 binos you can use, just say the word.
Oh I forgot:

For Sale

1)- Spotting scope: Minox MD62 ED with 21-42 L.E.R. eyepiece. Model # 62212 Serial # 61000105.

2)- Vortex Ridgeline tripod

3)- Mountain Hardware 3 man tent

4)- Marmot Flathead 20 degree Long model sleeping bag

5)- Big Agnes Q-Core sleeping pad

6)- MSR Rocket stove

7)- Olicamp XTS cook pot

Contact me for prices.

^^ hilarious joke comedian.
T-Bone, sent you a PM. Let me know if there's anything I can do. 3XWT
I can send one to you a spotter ASAP if it would get there in time. PM me if you want one. That makes my blood boil that some a-hole would do that.
I cant imagine the feeling, hate to hear this kind of stuff. I thought I was mad this weekend when I got my first trail cam stolen!! I'm glad I didn't catch them. . .because I may still be in jail! Hope you find them!
Schmalts and everyone else, thanks for the kind offers to help out.

I've new gear showing up on the UPS truck tomorrow. I'll do without a spotter for now. I'm familiar enough with the billies on the mountain that I can identify them.
Have you contacted your homeowner's insurance? Though it won't help you immediately with your hunt, the theft should be covered.

Thanks for the word of wisdom Spitz. Just got off the phone with my insurance guy. It's covered.
So very sad...sorry to hear this happening to anyone.
Wish you the best with the rest of your season.
Good to hear on the insurance. Any chance the sheepherders know something about the missing gear?
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