Step by step, land agencies


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Dec 11, 2000
make up ground in fire war

Kathleen Clarke
"It's said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Likewise, every year the most daunting, arduous, and longest fire line is constructed one shovel-full at a time; one swing of a pulaski, one air tanker drop, one hose stream of water after another.

It may take hours. It may take days.

At times, a fire rages back and takes the upper hand.

But eventually diligence and dedication win out.

One by one, wildfires are surrounded and contained. Missions are accomplished; and fire crews, equipment, and aircraft move on to the next blaze.

Already this spring headlines warn of yet another potentially serious fire season ahead.

News reports, using words like "dire" and "grim" to describe the outlook, cite continuing drought conditions and forecasts for a hot and abnormally dry summer in many areas of the West.

We are indeed facing another summer of severe conditions and the potential for a fire season that may rival that of 2000, 2002, and others.

And just as in the past, we'll meet those challenges head-on; professionally, safely, and with diligence and dedication. Firefighters are prepared and will again construct fire line, as much as it takes, one piece at a time.

While steps continue to be achieved in the suppression realm, we are also making progress in a journey of a different sort.

This new journey — reducing hazardous fuels near communities and across the landscape — is being undertaken with equal commitment and diligence. Although the road is long, we're making headway acre by acre.

Assessments following the 2000 fire season identified 190 million acres of public land, across all agencies, that needed treatments to reduce hazardous fuels, better protect communities, and restore the health of the land. About 11,000 communities were deemed at risk from wildfire.

Those numbers were staggering. For fire managers, it was similar to a firefighter looking up at a towering mountain over which a fire line must be constructed. But like that firefighter, we took one step, then another and another. Collectively, we turned those steps into strides.

In the BLM alone, treatments were accomplished on 267,570 acres near communities last year, and 313,416 acres in wildland areas.

The total acreage treated in 2003 increased 85 percent since 2001. As of early April, 192,042 acres have been treated this year, with nearly double that amount still planned.

These accomplishments are being achieved through partnerships with citizen groups, other federal agencies, and local, tribal and state governments. They also are in addition to strides we've made in fire education and in assisting community fire departments to enhance their capabilities.

There is no doubt, however, that we have a long journey ahead. There also is no doubt we will continue striving toward that next step, or that we will continue working with our counterparts and homeowners to accomplish fuel reductions across boundary lines.

So what do these accomplishments mean? It means that this summer, when firefighters are building fire line one shovel-full at a time, their work may be a little safer where treatments were done.

It means more communities can rest easier, knowing the threat of wildfire as been reduced. It means one more fire may not become a catastrophic event.

Finally, it means we are well on our way on this journey. Like the firefighter diligently working far up the line but with miles to go, we are leaving a solid path in our wake and progressing forward.

The work we are doing together is helping make the land healthier and communities safer. We are making a difference. And we will continue.

Kathleen Clarke is national director of the Bureau of Land Management."
What a piece of propoganda crap. Where on earth would something this stupid come from?

I love it we now call "logging" a "treatment"....

Walks like a duck, talks like a duck....
I agree with Buzz. What needs to happen is people who decide they want to build a house in a fire prone area need to accept the risk. If it burns to the ground they better have the money to rebuild it, or have a good insurance policy. This B.S. of the government taking care of all these people when their house burns down has got to stop.
It burned at one time around the turn of the century, it started around the late 1800's and went on until some thing around 1910, is the date I belive Buzz gave. This took out pretty much the state of Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Oregon, so a couple of the old timer Indians told me last year on one of the fires. The most info I have been able to gleen to date on the size of fires you three are seeming to desire, would cost more than just working on the problem. Fortunatly there are cooler heads on this subject at the fore front. I for one would like to see a lot more of it go up than is allowed, but I don't make the decisions either... ;)
One thing to note though, since more help will be needed, as far as I can see, I have recruited two Hunttalk members and one of their family to help out our crew this year... :D
Nice post!!! I cant wait to get out there!

You can throw all the money, people, etc. you want at fires, its a battle you wont win. That is a fact, and the only fact thats relevant to fire supression. Wildland fire fighting, in all but a few applications, is a waste of time, money, and effort, and tragically, some lives.

I dont care who leads the charge in suppression, they're pissing in the wind, and not looking at things objectively.

A hundred years of stamping out every fire is starting to nip the public and the agencies in the ass. There will be large, large fires in the near future, and there isnt anything that will help that. The best, safest, and most cost effective way to deal with fires is to let them burn.
Society brought this on ourselves, many selfish people like myself have decided that living in the comforts of a city is just gay. I like being in the outdoors and living as close to them as possible. Since I'm not the only one that feels this way it has now become the goverments problem to protect my property from wildland fires. You may not like it but thats your opinion and obviously is not the opinion of the majority.
Originally posted by ELKCHSR:
It burned at one time around the turn of the century, it started around the late 1800's and went on until some thing around 1910, is the date I belive Buzz gave.

This took out pretty much the state of Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Oregon, so a couple of the old timer Indians told me last year on one of the fires:D
Elkcheeser, please explain to me how this fire started burning in the late 1800's and burned until 1910? I hate to break the news to you, but all your ditch digging won't stop these fires nearly as effective as Winter. And I think Winter happened each year between the late 1800's and 1910...

And thanks for letting me know that Idaho was taken out.... uhhh... but if I look out my Window, with my Own Two Eyes, I can see the Truth, and Truth is that Idaho is still here.
It doesnt matter what your opinion is, or what mine is. The fact is, a lot of homes will be going up in smoke, and they deserve it.

You're also wrong, it isnt the governments responsibility to save your house, they've been watching a shitload of them burn lately.

Your attitude is typical, you want to live next to nature, but you're afraid to really deal with it. If you arent gay, why do you rely on the gubmint to save your sorry ass???
I do, you don't even know where I live spunk wad, you just like to jump to conclusions and say what ever comes to your ignorant little puke mind with out reprisals from any one..#*^@#* YOU...YOU PEICE OF SHIT!!!...
There, I can still call names as will as either of you dick fores can. I will protect my home from fires, and since you sure like to try and rub any little bit of any thing in my nose, heres some for you.
Over time I have been watching, except for the little bit of trapping you have done you have sucked out of the government trough all of your life, I may dip in during the summer months, but the government actually makes me work for what I get, not walk around doing things that if left alone as you do would return to normal. Your whole life has been getting to be a waste of time and time is catching up to you...Sorry buddy... :rolleyes: your losing the battle to save what ever it is that you thought at one time to be important. LMAO!!!! :D See I can do this (With tounge in cheek) as you idiot dick fores can and I see a lot of humor in it... ;) I sure hope you do, because I am only doing this to be funny... :D
Buzz you make me laugh!!! I'm sure you dont depend on your local fire department, I agree let your fuggin city burn! I'm sure you dont expect the cops to protect your scrawny ass either. The more you talk the more you prove what an ignorant ass you really are! Guys like you are like leeches on society, without it you would beg Elkchsr to teach you how to build a whole in the ground so you could hide from the big bad world!
One thing about the area he ran off to, they don't have any thing that can burn out there, so it is easy to sit in a glass house and throw rocks... :D :D :D
LOL I would suppose your right, hanging out at those Rainbow gatherings, beliving they are one with the earth...LMAO!!! :D
I sure hope they don't get so high that they do get burned up by their own ignorance and stupidity.... :D :D :D
Society brought this on ourselves, many selfish people like myself have decided that living in the comforts of a city is just gay. I like being in the outdoors and living as close to them as possible. Since I'm not the only one that feels this way it has now become the goverments problem to protect my property from wildland fires. You may not like it but thats your opinion and obviously is not the opinion of the majority
Beardown, come don't really think like this do you? I'm pretty sure Elkchsr wouldn't agree with that type of idiotic thinking. (right Elkchsr?) Elkchsr makes a living working for the government fighting these fires, but I'm sure even he doesn't feel that it's the "government's problem" when some idiot builds a house in the middle of the forest, without taking the precautions necessary to prevent the house from burning when (not if) a fire comes through. If one's house were to burn down because of a forest fire, it is the responsibility of the homeowner to have enough insurance to rebuild the house (if they can even get insurance.)

And then you have the nerve to say this to Buzz: :confused:

The more you talk the more you prove what an ignorant ass you really are! Guys like you are like leeches on society
From the sounds of it, the above statement applies to you, not Buzz.

[ 04-25-2004, 00:25: Message edited by: WH ]
Beardown said, "I'm sure you dont depend on your local fire department, I agree let your fuggin city burn! I'm sure you dont expect the cops to protect your scrawny ass either."

Yep, I do depend on the fire department, but my home is readily accessible by a nice street, I have fire hydrants very close, and I made a decision to assume certain risks of living in Laramie Wyoming. I dont expect any firefighter to risk his life trying to save my home.

Thats in contrast to some freak, living in the woods, without a concern for whats going on around them. You know the people living in log homes, trees right up to their front porch, cedar shakes on the roof, no turnaround for fire trucks, pine needles a foot thick on everything, firewood stacked under their wooden porch. They expect some GS-2 18 year old kid to roll up in their fire truck and defend their house from the "devastation" of the natural fires they've placed themselves in. Funny how they only like nature when it suits them??? Equally as funny is how I hear the same people who bitch about this, also whine uncontrollably over the Sabino Canyon lion know, "If you want to live in the woods, deal with it." Some peoples hypocricy never ceases to amaze me.

Well, I got some news for people that live in the woods, the times have changed. The FS and Rural Fire departments are not going to even try saving homes under "iffy" conditions any more. Its not worth it, not at all. I've attended enough needless funerals to know what a joke saving a few homes from wildfires really is, I dont care to attend another. The FS and Rural fire-fighters will though, sit back and watch your house burn nicely, as has been more than apparent in CA, MT, ID, WY, AZ, etc. etc. etc.

Notice how many more homes are vaporizing in wildland fires lately? Funny how that works.

Now, place head firmly back in sand.

As to elkchsrs rant...Wow, a little out there.
Yep a little out there you loser...
And not only Beardown has his head in the sand, but every one that just doesn't see how the pretty, fairland pictures you plant in your head....
your right, we don't try to save those that the people didn't spend the time to save. I wouldn't risk my life for some one that isn't concerned about the safty of what they have... Of course in your own words, I am just an idiot scab, so what do I know...

Yes I may put a few pics up that just offend you to the bottom of your pathetic little blackend soul. But I don't sit here on a regular basis, (well except when you or some other boner idiot provoke it you piss head) and continually berrate and bully any one that I don't care for your...
But then again, we all only do this just to have fun any way, don't we... I'm having fun, are any of you peckerheads yet... :D :D :D
So, am I to read between the lines, and see that Beardown, the Great Union Advocate, is now joining up to be a Scab? Help me out here Beardown, Elkchsr says he is a Scab, and you are signing on??
That's the way I read it too. It'll be good for him. At least he will have the opportunity to learn that he shouldn't be counting on the government to protect his property from fire. Besides firefighting pays better than building houses, and there's less work involved...most of the time all they do is sit back and watch it burn! (I bet Elkchsr didn't tell him about that part)

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