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stands vs. ground blinds vs. stalks


New member
Sep 11, 2010
Northeren Idaho Panhandle
I don't ever remember see Randy in any type of ground blind or tree stand. Is this just a personnal preference or is it due to technical limitation with filming? Here in north Idaho it is so dense we pretty much use them all, but which one at what time seems to be a question I can't find the answer to:W:
Adapt and use what ever means you have to in a certain area. Randy is a "SPOT AND STALK " But he knows when to pull out all strings and set up a ground blind for goats, along with starbucks and DQ added on for great measure.
All depends on the terrain. On my property here out east.....if there is a great tree near a great funnel or inside corner on a field...that's where the tree stand goes. I've got one field with great natural funnel that is nothing more than where two fields touch an uncut grassy hill. Tallest thing there....well is the grass. So for that spot I use fallen tree branches and I make a natural blind.

You get such a better view of whats going on from 25-30 feet up in a tree....you can see em coming from two fields away...plus it just gives you more to watch :)