PEAX Equipment

Stainless or Ti rail for my Weatherby .340?


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2014
New Orleans, La.
I recently posted about ditching my Talley mounts for a Murphy Ti rail. I was wondering if stainless would be a better choice. I am ditching the Talleys because they are possibly a weak link in my optics system, so I want to replace them with the strongest option possible. Not concerned with weight or cost, I want the strongest material, so would that be the Murphy Precision rail in stainless or the Titanium??
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Tungsten, you want tungsten!!!

Heavier & stronger than both!!

Why you think you NEED something stronger and more expensive than aluminum is beyond me.

Your not supposed to use your optics to split your firewood after the hunt. :rolleyes:
I have 2 stainless Murphy rails. Got them to match my actions. Brushed aluminum would probably be just as good and lighter. Recoil will be the most likely thing to cause your mount to fail.