

New member
Dec 31, 2000
Encampment, WY USA
I know this is really going to sound dumb, but, I have been reading your posts about stags. I am curious, are they greyhounds crossed with wolfhounds or are they a cross with an airdale or just a breed of their own?
I honestly had never heard that term before. sheCat
Ma'am she cat,
there is nothing dumb about your queston.I just figured that with so many dog people here then they would be interested in hunting coyotes a different way

Stags are usally greyhound, deerhound or wolfhound crosses. where the stag name comes from I have know clue. When I was introduced to them years ago the gentleman that started me runnin the called them stags. I have also heard them called lurchers. It is quite popular in some parts of New Mexico. Over seas they are called coarsing hounds.

The reason for the greyhound wolf hound cross is the greyhound for speed and the wolfhound for endurance and grit. They are an extremely gentle dog till it comes time for them to work then they are all business. The wolf hound and deer hounds were bred to sight chase and catch their game and that is what you are doin.They are fast in there own right but a little clumsy so ya add a touch of greydog and they Run excellent.

If there isn't any dogs in heaven .....IAINT GOIN

[This message has been edited by Wolfer (edited 02-19-2001).]
Thank you. As well as I like to hunt coyotes, I think this sounds like fun. I think I want some.
wonder if bcat will let me trade some hounds for them? sheCat
If you are interested Let me know I know a guy a couple hours away that has Alot(37 last count) Ill give him a yell and See what I can set up so ya can watch them Run.

If there isn't any dogs in heaven .....IAINT GOIN
Could you really? I would love to see how they work and watch them run. When I was checking heifers in the middle of the night I heard them howling night before last. So they should be moving back in on the creek bottom. sheCat
Shecat Ill see what I can do.....

If there isn't any dogs in heaven .....IAINT GOIN

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