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Stabbed my shin on deadfall

I share your pain.

Years ago I tore up my shin similarly. The scar has lasted nearly forty years.
Looks like a goat giving birth. Nature is beautiful!
Had a 10yr old do the same while running dogs this spring looked painful.
My biggest fear when hunting (I hunt a lot of deadfall areas) is falling and getting impaled by a stick. Sounds stupid but it gets sketchy in that beetle kill sometimes.
My biggest fear when hunting (I hunt a lot of deadfall areas) is falling and getting impaled by a stick. Sounds stupid but it gets sketchy in that beetle kill sometimes.
That's not stupid at all as it is honestly my personal biggest fear as well. I'm not afraid of snakes, bears, cougars, sliding down shale, dehydration, hypothermia, knife cuts, breaking a get the idea. Falling when working around nasty deadfall and having a sharp stout limb go in me somewhere is a serious concern of mine.
My biggest fear when hunting (I hunt a lot of deadfall areas) is falling and getting impaled by a stick. Sounds stupid but it gets sketchy in that beetle kill sometimes.
Yeah I guarantee I won't push through some of the laurel thickets I've been in quite so recklessly now. Definitely not an experience I'm looking to repeat, especially back in the woods a ways. It could get a lot worse than just a leg wound.
I had a very similar wound as a kid when I impaled my shin with the bare footpeg of a mini-bike. Also had to have the disolving stitches on the inside. Still have the scar now close to 40 years later.

I fell while packing out an elk a few years ago and landed HARD on my chest into a downed log. Nothing like tripping forward with a 100 pound pack on to speed your fall. About a foot to the side of where I landed was about a 6 inch broken off branch sticking out of the log that I landed on. If I had landed square on that branch I doubt I would be here right now.

Sometimes the things that don't really seem to be scary can be very dangerous.
My biggest fear when hunting (I hunt a lot of deadfall areas) is falling and getting impaled by a stick. Sounds stupid but it gets sketchy in that beetle kill sometimes.

My buddy's dog disemboweled herself on a stick while running through deadfall a few years back, he said it was nasty, he was able to carry her out to an emergency vet and they stuffed everything back in and patched her up. Watch out for those sharp sticks! I've been poked by a few beaver-chewed sticks over the years while fishing but never bad enough for stitches...
Got one a little smaller right there when I was in High school. On a gate hinge bolt. Dad make fun of me wanting to clean and bandage it. 2 weeks later I was at the doctor for an infection. Nearly had to have surgery.

Heal up quick!

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