Squirrels and more squirrels

I know there are several areas of the country where the folks refer to "fox squirrels" but here in the SE we have a different fox squirrel than the reddish tinged ones in other areas. These squirrels are much larger than greys, often getting to 30" of length with the rare one going to 32/33. They're found from SE Virginia right way round to some gulf states, mostly in the coastal plain where there are lots of pines. They're not so prolific as the greys and are usually found going it solo, never seeing a tree full of them. There are several color variations but most are of a greyish/brown with the head being mostly black with white tipped ears and muzzle. There are many instances where they are coal black and I've also seen a red and white one. Maybe Mack won't mind me stealing his picture.

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Tarheel, ypur sputhern fox squirrel is the same species as mine with the red-orange underside. They are both Sciurus niger. Just different geographic variants. There are many more including the all black version which gives the species ots proper name. They are out on your coast. Among other places.
Tarheel, your southern fox squirrel is the same species as mine with the red-orange underside. They are both Sciurus niger. Just different geographic variants. There are many more including the all black version which gives the species its proper name. They are out on your coastal islands, among other places.

This is another variation, though not a population-wide one

It is here on campus. There have been a dozen or so of them. It is not an albino, just white.

Tarheel, ypur sputhern fox squirrel is the same species as mine with the red-orange underside. They are both Sciurus niger. Just different geographic variants. There are many more including the all black version which gives the species ots proper name. They are out on your coast. Among other places.

Yep, there are several color variations, some with white belly, some with red. In NC they're found from the sandhills on out to the coast. The daily limit in NC is 1 with 2 in possession if I recall, as they're not so prevalent as cat squirrels. The two types will rarely be found occupying the same real estate for the fox will chase the greys out of their area.

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