Yeti GOBOX Collection

Spring is here

Well, we have been getting snow for two days with lows in the sub zero range here on the East slope of the Bighorns. If we didn't need the moisture so much, I would be wishing for spring. Actually, I would take spring if it would rain!🥴
We have some clients that moved here from the West. They thought Spring was here a month ago when it was 50 degrees. mtmuley
It’s getting close to spring, the male red winged black birds are showing up. But cant trust Mother Nature until the barn swallows return to their mud nests in the barn.
Saw a couple of hundred Turkey Vultures Heading north today while a pair of golden eagles did their love dance overhead. It must be spring or getting pretty close.
Calling for inches of snow here in Arkansas this weekend. Brrr! I'm done with it.
Days are getting longer, slow melt by day, freeze at night. 2 foot of hard pack snow about the yard.

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