Spring Chinook Salmon


Mar 29, 2020
Good Morning All:
Hoping all are home safe and taking care with this Virus Looming over head..
Fortunately, Here on the West Coast Of Oregon and I mean right on the Ocean in Coos County were not having any cases of the Virus as of yet.
The Boat is ready and been waiting to hit the water, But with the water conditions this winter, Well we just do not have the amounts of water in out rivers and reservoirs needed to sustain us through the summer months.
So Patiently we sit and wait.
With the first big Rains of the Spring hitting us and River levels came way up. The ground is dry and will soak all that we have for a few days, then hopefully hold back some water levels.
We fish our Rivers each spring for these best of the best in the Salmon Family. The Spring Chinook Salmon where people from all over come to enjoy the excitement. Hiring Fishing Guides to fish these great fighters and table fare.
These Salmon usually enter our Rogue River on the Southern OR Coast to head up River to spawn in the Winter Months.
These Fish enter the system as said in March carrying a lot of fat because of the long journey they spend on the river until its time to spawn.
With Duck/Goose Season over and the last of what a lot of Water Fowler's get out and do there is always something to do.
Were pretty fortunate to have a winter Run of Steel Head that run our Rivers until we look forward to the great Spring Chinook to enter our Rogue River.
I have had the Boat, Rods, and everything needed ready for 2 months now waiting for the rivers to come up to get these fish ready to enter the river system.
Usually this time of year on a normal year the rivers are close to flood state and running high then down making the fishing great when these fish enter our system.
These Chinooks are a little different then there cousins the Fall Chinook that enter the system in late June July and run clear through late Oct, November. Then when these fish peter out we have a late fall fishery that will run into December.
The Spring Chinook are a different Breed. Not only that they enter the system much earlier then our fall fish carrying the fat content needed to sustain there Run, But we fish them completely different then the cousins.
You can fish from the Bank as many of the old timers do casting heavy sinkers a few feet into the river trying to keep there bait in about 5 to 7 feet of water.
Then we the Boat fisherman anchor our boats in 5 to 6 ft of water which seems to be the magical depth.
Its because those whom fish Salmon Know how lazy Chinook Salmon are and will find the easiest rout up river.
These fish tend to run the inside corners of the river heading up river to there destinations.
While running these inside corners we try to find that magical depth of 5 to 6 feet. Lots of Boats all doing the same as we all after time figure our these sections or spots that Boast the right depth and water that holds to 2 to 4 oz sinkers, sometimes a little more or a little less just depending on the conditions.
Once we are set up we use and Spin whole Anchovies which is a technique with in it self. Getting a nice tight spin is everything.
Then also using Anchovies and a spinner usually a #3 ahead of the spinning Anchovy called a spinner bait.
Now If there is more then one or two in a Boat, Guys will set up there Anchovy Baits with 2 of the rods then add one rod with a spinner. Spinners any where I have seen from a Number 4 to a Number 6 usually Gold, Or Hammered Gold Blades with Green or Chartreuse.
colors. Once all set up ready to fish we have our spot on an inside corner in the right depth and using the Baits selected we see the speed of the river and bounce our baits out to the desired distance, Pour the coffee and sit back and wait for those fish coming up river and grab the bait and the fight is on. Having to brake loose from the Anchor following the fish down river until its in the net is exciting in its self.
Its a fishery that takes Patience but sitting back telling and chatting about our Duck/ Goose hunts or our Buck Hunts or our plans for the following year all seems to make the time fly by. Plus you with great friends , Kids, The Wife if she enjoys, Your dog and hunting companion.
One thing about it? It fills our time of needs, we that love and enjoy the out doors. I'm just every day thanking my Grand Father for teaching me all these Hunting and Fishing ways to pass the times with great memories.
So fortunate to go from one hunting thing to another and then jump to fishing. Some say I take it to the extreme But my extreme is the love for the out doors and what she has to offer. No More No Less its what we the sportsmen love and what we do. Every day we hope these people that want to take this from us do not succeed, as for us older folks that have seen probably the best in our out doors.
But what happens to the kids who grow in this wonderful sport that might someday not have the opportunities we have grown to love.
I also wonder if these people whom fight against our Gun Rights, Our Forests, Our Rivers and the things we have grown to love have ever stepped off the Pavement in these big cities to really see whats out there to love and enjoy.
Thank You all for letting me share.. You all take care stay Healthy. Sculler72 The ol boy to my left is 93 and love to still fish. We all hope when we get to these ages that someone is there for us too. View attachment 134091GetAttachment[2].jpg
Have they closed the rivers in Oregon? Spring Salmon are the best.
Hi Sawtooth
We have not seen any as of yet on the fishing. But! at the Moment as of yesterday all the Boat Ramps are closed. Were going to have to launch on the Gravel bars, that's fine with most of us.
River just came up after this small amount of Rain that we got but is going to drop just as fast. This should get the fish moving as we are all anticipating that it will.
Yes the Springers are the Best and something we look forward to every season. Thanks for the reply. Take care, be safe hunter72
But a good story are the Best!
Well fisherman it looks like the Spring Chinook Salmon Fishery on the Great Rogue River is on the Table and getting ready to be closed if Sportsman and Guides cant comply with the Regulation put out by the State.
Sad, Sad as a friend of mine and I were chatting about this morning.
Groups that can not comply and Guides that are doing the same.
Was bound to come about as we can never listen to or comply too what the States put out there so we all suffer for those whom will not listen.
Oh well as they say what comes around goes around.. Hunter72
Glad to see you got out and were successful. Hopefully you'll get to continue fishing springers this year.

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