PEAX Equipment

Spotting Scopes????

But, for the average hunter, that likely isnt real important and makes the huge jump in price between good solid glass and exceptional glass not worth it.
So what it comes down to is whether you consider yourself average.;)

I agree with that, though.
More importantly than arguing the differences between knowing how to use them...

Excellent point, Buzz. I used to make a point of getting the most out of the cheapest optics available because 1) I was married, 2) I couldn't afford expensive gear, and 3) I'd always tear the living hell out of anything I took hunting. If I didn't break it, it would look like it was. Why blow a load of cash on something I was going to totally trash sooner or later?
Used to laugh at all the guys with their expensive German binos and think that they couldn't possably see something I couldn't. That is until I started to grasp the concept of spot & stalk.
We hunt those crafty little blacktail deer out here and they're as good at hiding as mulies are -maybe better. Besides knowing WHERE to look for hidden parts of bedded deer half a mile away; figuring out HOW to use efficient scanning methods took significantly longer. Still, those clowns with the imported Euro binos always spotted more deer than I did, until I finally got serious about spotting stuff. Finally wised up and joined the crowd.
Well I bit the bullet. I ordered a Kowa 884 20-60x. It has a 88mm objective with florite lenses and the whole works. On many other forums I am on it came up several times as quite possibly the finest spotter in the world. I am really excited to see it. I orderd it from Liberty Optics out of Kallispell MT.. Unbelievable deal. I highly recommend anyone looking for any kind of glass to look them up.
Well I bit the bullet. I ordered a Kowa 884 20-60x. It has a 88mm objective with florite lenses and the whole works. On many other forums I am on it came up several times as quite possibly the finest spotter in the world. I am really excited to see it. I orderd it from Liberty Optics out of Kallispell MT.. Unbelievable deal. I highly recommend anyone looking for any kind of glass to look them up.

They are still using BAK-7 lenses aren't they?
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