
Spotting scope questions

I have the Athlon and absolutely love it. It is compact and packs a punch for its size/weight. I spotted a group of 3 elk from literally 12 miles away with it. Also great customer service when I lost the lens cap to the spotter.
Is anyone here using the Zeiss Dialyt, I have seen them around the OP budget and was curios on performance?
I bought one because I wanted a little more glass and I thought it would be better optically than my nikon ed50. It wasn't. The nikon was better. I returned the zeiss and bought a kowa 883 prominar. The kowa has been great although much larger than the zeiss. The zeiss was a neat design but optically there are better scopes for the money. The kowa 550 series comes to mind.
I've looked through every spotting scope thread here, and haven't really found answers to my questions.

Most people are looking for recommendations for deer/elk/antelope hunting. I was lucky enough to get a goat tag this year, and while it's extremely exciting, I quickly found out that I have never really had proper gear for a backpack hunt 3-4 days maybe, at the top of the hills.
I have a cheap spotter I got as a gift a handful of years ago, and it has done decent enough for a quick peek out of the truck. however, since its so cheap it definitely lacks desired clarity and brightness at any range further than 50yds.

I have a pair of Maven B.2 11x45s already, always with me, and on my chest. Ive never carried a spotter in the field though, just in the truck.

Since i was caught a little off guard with the draw and had so many other pieces to get, my budget for a spotter is around $700. Swaro someday, sure. But I am hunting goats this year, not next year, so I need to get the best I can for now, deal with an upgrade later.

Ive been very intrigued by the Athlon Ares G2 15-45x65. I cant seem to find a bad review, and it seems like a VERY solid, compact, clear, budget friendly but not "cheap" option.

My biggest concern would be the 45x. I've read a lot of people that have a 20x-60x but never have it cranked to 60, BUT thats for elk. For goats, is it/would it be better to get the full 60x? Since their horns aren't enormous, I feel like 60x would be helpful to get a decent look from quite a ways off, before trekking through that kind of country only to be disappointed when you get closer.
Originally was looking at 80-85mm obj, but after actually seeing them, I think I want to steer clear of those for now...a bit larger than I imagined, and don't want to deal with the bulk of one.

Any input, would be greatly appreciated. Especially those of you who have experience with goats/sheep/backpack hunting.
For what its worth? Probably not much lol. Anyway some yrs back. I bought a compact spotter scope. It was made by Winchester. Scope was around 9" long & built like a tank. Scope was 12-50x50mm objective. The glass on it was good. Scope at the time cost me around $100.00. As for it being built like a tank. I did not treat it well. Because after using I would toss it up on the dash of my truck. So it took some abuse & kept on ticking. This am I checked on amazon. I seen some for sale.

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