Spotlight or thermal/nightvision? Coyote’s after my dogs.

The pulsar LRF Trail is my recommendation. I was hesitant to buy one because of the price, but after using it in the field I now own two of them. I did try out some of the more affordable offerings from ATN etc, but the image quality and durability of the Pulsar is unmatched
The pulsar LRF Trail is my recommendation. I was hesitant to buy one because of the price, but after using it in the field I now own two of them. I did try out some of the more affordable offerings from ATN etc, but the image quality and durability of the Pulsar is unmatched

Are the newer Trails holding POI? The first model had some serious cold weather issues
No more noble cause than a war on coyotes. If I had the money and it was legal I’d hunt them with a Cobra gunship.
And what, are you spying on the Irish? Wolves were extirpated from UK like a thousand years ago! And I know you people never had coyotes.
Spying on the Irish, so you lost me on that one. We have fox, boar, and other quarry, and if the government get their way deer at night!
Coyotes have decided to actively hunt my dogs, in my yard. I’m declaring war. I have an attic over my garage with a window that I’m going to turn into my coyote night blind, ie I’m going to put a lawn chair by the window. Is there any thermal or night scope that won’t break the bank? Would I be better off just turning on a spotlight when the dogs go really crazy? I have severe pet allergies and a condition that makes me prone to anaphalaxys (4 times in the last 5 years) so bringing them inside isn’t an option. They actually caught my mini aussie momentarily tonight with me standing in the yard within 25 yds. I just came out of the house and had no night vision so couldn’t get a shot. Got the truck out and shined them while they were bugging out. My nearest neighbor is a mile away so that isn’t a concern, and I’ll use my bolt .22 since it will be close. My son already lost a pup a couple of years ago that they attacked. What say you?
Others have said the same but I would get a red light. Amazon has some cheap ones that mount to your gun. Not high quality of for coyotes they will do fine.
other than POI shift, how well do the thermals hold up? I'm a little leery of dropping coin for a Pulsar and have it fail after warranty runs out...
other than POI shift, how well do the thermals hold up? I'm a little leery of dropping coin for a Pulsar and have it fail after warranty runs out...
They’re good and worth the money if you are serious about killing coyotes.
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