Caribou Gear

SPOT device vote of No Confidence

I have unfortunately had similar experience with a Spot unit failing to once send a successful “check-in” message over the course of an entire week on a Canadian wilderness trip. Thankfully we never had an emergency situation arise. However, that experience completely derailed my trust in Spot.
So I think I've stated before that I don't like the SPOT system and their terrible satellites. Last week we had SPOT devices both fail to send and fail to receive messages to each other. Our agency is mandated to use SPOTs because Garmin refused to sign some sort of agreement stating they would not work with certain Chinese communications companies (I believe this has something to do with some spying via cell phones). Any way we had a near emergency situation where an employee had overexerted himself and was ill. We got him feeling better and sent him back to camp. We were working alpine areas but SPOTs failed to send and receive messages. I sent 4 and coworker sent 3...he got his 7 hours AFTER I sent them and I still haven't received his. We even had them side by side in the open and I never got them.

Some of you know that I used to have the older SPOTS where you had "check-in" and "emergency" options only and had multiple failed check-in's without knowing. Thus why I bought a Delorme (preGarmin) and paid a premium to do my check-ins purely for peace of mind.

I VOTE "NO CONFIDENCE" in SPOT devices and plea to all of you (and your loved ones) to not use them and get a company to uses the much more reliable Iridium Satellite system!

EDIT: I hear that Zoleo might be an option as they also use the Iridium system.
I have an earlier model Spot. A couple years ago I accidentally pushed the 911 button after excitedly rummaged through my pack after shooting a bear.

It notified the Michigan State Police “Search and Rescue”, Houghton County Sheriff, and my emergency contact ( my dad).

Upon entering into cell phone coverage, all of the above were calling. The sheriff was already on the way to the location and called off.

So for me it worked.