Spot and stalk?

hump that is the only way we get to do it see alot of bears but dont get to all of them....I wish we could bait less sows with cubs would get shot
Here in BC baiting is illegal so spot and stalk and running them with hounds is the only way to kill them. I have killed all my bears by spot and stalk. Best bet is to drive logging roads glassing cutblocks. Forest Companys are required to grass seed all cutslopes, ditchlines, skidtrails, landings ect... so the bears flock to the cutblocks. If the wind is right and one is careful to not make too much sound, it is very possible to stalk to within 10 yards at times when a bear has his head down feeding.
Here in Colorado you can't bait or use your stuck with spot and stalk or have to resort to using a predator call to call em in.....which actually works pretty well if you can get within 600 yards....but they come pretty fast...kinda spooky.
I'll tell you after next weekend ;)

I've killed 2 bears that way. there is many places in Idhao to shoot a Bear by jsut spotting and stalking. Alot of places up north. I know Jason Lee used to fly into Idaho for a yearly bear hunt and had good success.

I'm with Cat-hunt on the Sows/cubs comment!
Not sure I agree on baiting as an end-all solution to sows and cubs getting killed. Where baiting isn't allowed, my guess is the overall harvest is significantly lower.

I'm glad there's no baiting in MT. It pulls animals off their normal feeding areas, into somebody's pile of rotton food. Probably ruins it a little for guys who enjoy to hunting bears. I like it the way it is in MT, but it's good that other places allow it.
What a Politically correct answer greeny... But lemme translate it to the Rest of you :

"Baiting is for Fat Passy ass's. Since it's not allowed in Montana most guys don't do it. that leaves the Bear hunting to Die hard hunters like myself and I have more to choose from".

.... :D

Greeny, It's not the end all solution or even the "right" solution... but I do Have to say It's a fact that if you take the time to watch the bears you know if cubs are with them or not. Be it Spot-n-stalk, hounds, or baiting....Most guys I know in the Fall that hunt bears willdrop the hammer on anything looking like a FLASH of a bear. Some times they don't see the Little Flashes running behind them.
I'd guess that most guys that would shoot at a flash of a bear would have no problem shooting at a 3 footer within the first few minutes of it showing up on a bait site. Without bait, most hunters will stay at home or not ever see a bear. I'd guess also that where there isn't bait, there's fewer hunters, fewer bears killed, fewer restrictions on hunting opportunities (quotas and season durataion), and BIGGER bears. Where I hunt in MT there's 5 months of bear hunting season each year with no quota, and big bears. It's pretty nice. You be judge.. :D
"I'd guess also that where there isn't bait, there's fewer hunters, fewer bears killed, fewer restrictions on hunting opportunities (quotas and season durataion), and BIGGER bears."

Hmmm, I know some guys in Alaska and Canada that would find this statement pretty silly. Especially the last two words. :D
Troy, as you know, Montana isn't Alaska or Canada, which is what I was talking about. For what it's worth, last season I cleaned off 2 skulls over 20", taken within a half-hour of town.

If baiting opened up here locally, you can bet your sweet ass that there would be changes in all three.. quota, season, sizes.

And like I said, most hunters who don't have that luxury of sitting over somebody else's bait site in MT seem to choose to stay home. I'm not against baiting, just glad it's not done here.
Next, Big Sky is going to tell you were to kill big "elk" ... ;)

Greeny, I'm calling BS that Montana has Big bears.. Matter of Fact, I'll bet a Lap dannce (NOT by me) on it !!!! :p
2 skulls over 20 in one season. WOW! Geeze, I live in some Big Bear country, have killed plenty and seen a whole whack more killed and have yet to see a 20 incher. Just killed my personal best this week. Just cleaning up the skull as we speak. 19 and some change. Far cry from 20 though. ;)
Honestly I don't care how one bear hunts as long as it's legal and they can find the time to do it. I thought Greenhorn was talking about bear hunting in general, in regards to baiting vs spot and stalk, not just specifically Montana. A quick look at the Boone and Crockett record book will show how Montana ranks. One can draw their own conclusions.

"I'd guess that most guys that would shoot at a flash of a bear would have no problem shooting at a 3 footer within the first few minutes of it showing up on a bait site."

I'm not arguing this point just pointing out a fact. Apparently the majority of Montana bear hunters shoot at a "flash of a bear". According to the Montana FWP the average bear shot in Montana is 2.5 years old.

Just curious Greenhorn, you say that if Montana allowed baiting there would be more hunters, more restrictions, quotas, and smaller bears. While I agree there would be changes I don't quite understand your train of thought. First off Montana already has quota areas, just not where you hunt. Montana already has a lot of units with shortened very restrictive seasons, just not where you hunt. Montana has no shortage of bear hunters. As for smaller bears, they are already small compared to the areas with the highest scoring skulls. Lastly, for comparison sake Idaho has more opportunity for bear hunting, longer seasons, allows spot and stock, bait, and hounds. Has more B+C bears than Montana and some areas you are allowed 2 bears. The fact of the matter is I would not vote for baiting bears in Montana if it ever came up on a ballot, but not for the reason listed here. I could be wrong but it seems to me you are basing a lot of what you have to say on how it would affect the relatively small area you hunt rather than the whole state. It's more than obvious you have personal issues with baiting, but it appears most of what you say is based on emotion, instead of any facts. Rather than argue with me why don't you (or anyone else that wants to know) take a look at the stats in regards to sows and young bears being killed in states that only allow spot and stock compared to states that allow baiting. I have read and studied them. Let me know what you find out?
Struck a nerve with you Troy, wonder why? :) You're right about several things, I'm basing everything I say on "where I hunt" which is what I said. Also, few big bears are killed in MT, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. Harvest is not real high and neither are numbers. I'm familiar with the seasons and quotas in MT, I've hunted bears every year for about 10 years, shot my 8th MT black bear this morning. It's nice to hunt bears and and run into zero hunters for weeks on end, and see multiple bears daily. The average age of MT bears vs. the average age killed is not the same. Last year, mine was 14, my buddy's was 21. Today's bear is likely in that same range.

You let people bait here and how many outfitters will start offering guided bucket hunts? Not to mention the locals who will start running baits and inviting all their buddies out to sit over thier bait and shoot a bear. Personally, I think it's nice to not have that situation. But it's also good that it's available for those interested elsewhere. I think I said that the first time.
Kurt, some of this arguing is from the same side of the fence. I 100% agree with your last paragraph. Like I said, I would not vote "YES" if it ever came up on the ballot in MT. I do not want baiting in Montana. What I don't like is the way you take every opportunity you can to make derogatory comments about hunting over bait in general.

Yes, your bears the last few years as well as some of your friends have been older class bears, but they are the exception to the overall harvest in Montana, not the rule. Well, at least the harvest reports seem to translate that way. I guess that's because Montana has a lot of bear hunters but not a lot that go year after year. I'd venture to guess most of those bear tags are bought buy opportunists hoping to run in to one in the fall.

I will hunt bears any legal way I can, and have. This year I would rather be hunting them more than just about anything, but the thing that is more scare than my bear sightings in Montana is time. Haven't got any. It's pretty pathetic when a guy lives where I do and can only get away to hunt a lousy turkey for two days. TWO DAYS, that's my entire hunting season quota for Montana spring hunting. Pardon, while I go cry by myself.

Oh and congrats on your 8th bear. Hope to see a photo soon.
I see how you feel about baiting them. I looked at a bear this weekend for a hour and did not see any cubs. When I got up to go two cubs came out of some tall weeds to her. She was a good size bear to I bet with over half the hunters in MT she would have bit the dust after a half hour...I have never hunted over bait but I bet you would know a lot faster if there were cubs or not... On that note what do you think about hunting them with hounds???? :D
For bears, I glad running them with dogs is not allowed in MT. Same goes for deer and elk.

Troy, I was bored over lunch and looked at the Idaho and MT websites.. black bear records. Idaho has 75 bears over 20, Montana has 66 bears over 20. Using rocket science, an estimation on bear population and annual harvest averages per state, which state do you really think has more 20" bears walking around right now?? For a hunter that wants to spot and stalk bears, where would you pick?
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