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Sportsmen against Bush

When ID senator Larry Craig mentioned during a speach that he'd enjoyed pheasant hunting about a month earlier the first thing his enemies did was call the F&G Dept. and ask them if Larry had bought a hunting license that year. Naturally, he hadn't. If Kerry claimed he had been hunting, or if photos were published of him hunting, I'm pretty sure the Republicans would have checked to see if he had a license. The opposition party knows that anytime a politician makes a claim like that it should always be checked. It's such a easy thing to make a big deal out of if he's lying, and any newspaper would appreciate the scoop.
was the claim that he had been hunting phesants on public lands or a hunting club? in Idaho or another state??? Sometimes I think the press blows little chit out of proportion and the smoke skreen hides the real issues.....

Like I said before there may be some issues with President Bush but we know there are alot more issues with the liberals and democrats that want to take away our God given rights in the name of saftey, create a more dependant people and like Clinton, lie in your face and make you like it..

Just my 2 cents

So he voted on some gun control? Some gun control is necessary??

I stand corrected he did buy a hunting license ( why didn't his fans find this when I challenged them? OH yeah the article also shows his rating from anti-hunting groups ) http://www.sportsmenforkerryedwards.com/jkhunting.htm

tell me again how a REAL sportsman should vote for him? http://www.sportsmenforkerryedwards.com/lobbies.htm#HL

Why isn't he in the Congressional Sportsmens Caucus? http://www.sportsmenslink.org/

And here's how he voted on a bill to close hunting
Kerry voted in 1994 to close off a large section of the California Mojave desert to hunting. He supported a proposal to designate tens of thousands of acres of the Mojave desert as a national park, where hunting would have been prohibited. He voted against a proposal to make the area a national monument which would have allowed hunting to continue.

Kerry, unlike 56 of his fellow Senators, is not a member of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus. With more than 300 members in the House and Senate, it is one of the largest Caucuses in the U.S. Congress, and is “open to Congressmen and Senators who are sportsmen or who support the concept of sustained use and wildlife management, even if they do not themselves take to the fields and waters to fish, hunt or trap.”

If you still think Kerry is a friend of sportsmen you are delusional.
Ithica,I hadn't seen anything about you saying there was no way you would vote for Kerry.If that is correct I'm forced to alter my opinion of your posts somewhat. As I said earlier, I would raise hell with the present admin. when I felt they were wrong even tho I supported them. As long as you don't support Kerry then I hereby give you permission (smiley face) to climb all over the Bush admin. for their blunders. Go for it!!
For myself, there are far too many negatives in too many areas to even consider Kerry.
Actually, here in Idaho Bush will win by such a wide margin it doesn't make any difference who I vote for. I might as well do something to encourage future third party candidates. I think a third party is the only way out of this mess the country is in. When you look at it all, there's really not that much difference between the Republicans and the Democrats anymore. Both parties spend money like there's no tomorrow.
I've got a whole collection of Ithaca 37's that are now for sale to the lowest bidder.........

D13er, You posted, "I've got a whole collection of Ithaca 37's that are now for sale to the lowest bidder........."
I bid $0 and I'll give $20 to the National Wild Turkey Federation for each gun, making my bid a negative $20 for you. Do you have any lower bids than that? If not, let's proceed with the sale. Don't back out on me, I can't stand liars. I'll send you the name of a gunsmith with a FFL to ship the shotguns to. You ready to start shipping?
I'll bid $20 apeice
I'll donate another $20.00 for each one to a Bush For Pres. fund.
I'll then give the shotguns to any rancher that need's to defend his property against large predator's OR Democrat's. ;) ;)

"I can't stand liars" ??????????
Yet you have all those post FOR KERRY???????????
Originally posted by BuzzH:
What I cant believe is how well the NRA has sold their paranoia to seemingly educated people... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

"Kerry will take away our guns", what a steaming load of BS that is. Wont happen, and if you think it will, you have rocks in your head.
You know that educated is not always the same as intelligent? I mean you are educated, right? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Nope, I'm not educated...I was too intelligent for school...didnt buy most of the BS...just like I dont buy the BS the NRA pushes.
fecl, I think there's a lot of paranoia about the 2nd Amendment getting repealed. It's not something I'm worried about.
My friend you should be and it's getting worst everyday! Do some research on the issue before posting comments!!!
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