Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Splitting points in WY

Any other takers with 16+ points?! Chit got serious real quick
I love the thought of guys with more points than me burning them in general tags. Thins out the the group that might be applying for other tags I’m interested in

I started buying points in WY without any real plan. I sorta know what I want now but lots of other things(life) have got in the way. Ideally I’ll zero them out in the next 3 years or so. It helps to be able to hunt elk every year at home and now rely on other places for elk hunting
I love the thought of guys with more points than me burning them in general tags. Thins out the the group that might be applying for other tags I’m interested in

I started buying points in WY without any real plan. I sorta know what I want now but lots of other things(life) have got in the way. Ideally I’ll zero them out in the next 3 years or so. It helps to be able to hunt elk every year at home and now rely on other places for elk hunting
So are you splitting them with me or not?
Savvy I’d say, his new offer will get things going. Good luck Wolf.
Not a single taker on my offer. Was just out there this weekend deer hunting and saw lots of goats and mule deer. Like more antelope than I’ve seen in the area in a long time and on land I have access to….
No takers here either….. i even waved my checkbook.. I need at least 16 points to play. I could throw in a back rub. Most bite at the ribeye steak dinners.
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Road bugles while taking her home were a nice perk of living out of town in high school
I've hunted Wyoming neary every year by having east coast friends I went to school with buy elk points and split with me for General Licenses. I've paid for their "SPECIAL" License Application and they've gotten a License for their Preference Point cost alone. I used to guide them, but now I can only hunt 5-6 days in September so that's no longer on the table. While there may be a few folks burning 10-15 points on a general, I bet most surplus has been gobbled up by outfitters. It's only getting harder to get Licenses...... I've certainly considered advertising a "free" General Special Elk License Ad for folks with enough points to draw both of us a Wy Elk License.... and I've considered splitting or gifting my 14 Wy deer points separately. Not getting any younger.
It looks like WY point sharing is real, I was at the sportsman expo yesterday and one guy offered me to share my 10 points for guided hunt, I just have to pay small fee. This idea is not leaving my head now, I was planning to built points for few more years, but don't know what my points will be worth in couple years, I mean will I be able to draw better units with 12-14 points than now with 10?
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