PEAX Equipment

Spend my money on a chronograph

Garmin Xero, or Magnetospeed Sporter if you're on a budget. With the Garmin's release, the Labradar and Magnetospeed V3 have become much harder to recommend.

For the most part, I wouldn't bother with the rest of the market if they we free, I don't trust their accuracy enough.
Getting the Garmin soon myself. Looks like Labradar has come out / is coming out with a unit that looks exactly like the Garmin. Kinda like the Livescope technology....everyone else will be a step behind Garmin.
There’s a published article online written comparing chronographs by Bryan Litz that I’d recommend. Bryan is a real life rocket engineer that worked for NASA, and is now the chief ballistician for Berger bullets.
The article is pretty interesting. After reading, I bought a magnetospeed based on the accuracy. There are limitations with it, such as barrel length on a revolver, and not working on semi auto handguns or bows.
The Garmin chronograph wasn’t out yet, and the Labradar had issues when it was introduced. It was also expensive, which is why I went magnetospeed. I already had a ProChrono that did everything the magnetospeed couldn’t.
Looking at the Magneto Sporter, but not sure how I feel about it being strapped to the gun. Would prefer to not break the bank, but I get that measuring tools are money well spent.

3, 2, 1.... GO!
Yep the Garmin is a sweet little setup. I replaced my original Caldwell with it this year. Easy to setup, so compact I just keep it in my range bag so its always with me. I don't have alot of use with it yet but so far its been reliable too. Really happy with it.
A reliably accurate unit that doesn't strap to the barrel can be more convenient IF you don't shoot at a public range that makes set up difficult or impossible. I use a magneto speed just to get accurate readings at the indoor range i sometimes visit. Can't use it while confirming group size or zero since it causes around a 6" POI shift with all my sporter weight guns.
I had a Magnetospeed and there was definitely a change in accuracy when it was on. Otherwise it worked great. They didn't have them at the time but you can get a adapter to mount on your arca rail or picatinny rail ot mount the device. I went to Labradar and still have it. Some people have troubles with the alignment but I never did. The app, while always worked for me, also gave people a ton of connectivity issues. My advice is if you got lots of cash go for the Garmin, otherwise there is a ton of used Labradars for sale that people are basically giving away.
Garmin is arguably the best chrono on the market right now. Versatility, easy to use, the info it gives you, and the durability (looking at you labradar). Unmatched imo.
The Garmin is definitely where it's at. Sold my LR to pick one up when they were released this past fall. I still have my magnetospeed V3 sitting on my shelf, but it hasn't seen the light of day in a long time.
A friend threw down a Garmin unit while I was shooting a match a couple weeks back. Amazingly simple and consistent. Pricey but beats the hell out of my Oehler for sure, but I am told that the Garmin has issues with shotguns where the Oehler is pretty reliable
I've been using it for load development for 10mm for the past few days. Attached it to my tripod I use with my spotter and just started shooting. It's small size makes it so versatile.
A friend threw down a Garmin unit while I was shooting a match a couple weeks back. Amazingly simple and consistent. Pricey but beats the hell out of my Oehler for sure, but I am told that the Garmin has issues with shotguns where the Oehler is pretty reliable
Chronographing shotguns??
Some people have way too much time on their hands. Not bashing. I don’t care if people chrono their ping pong serve, just hits me funny that there’s that many people chronographing shotguns. Why? Is there really such a pronounced difference between velocities to matter or is it a curiosity thing?
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Chronographing shotguns??
Some people have way too much time on their hands. Not bashing. I don’t care if people chrono their ping pong serve, just hits me funny that there’s that many people chronographing shotguns. Why? Is there really such a pronounced difference between velocities to matter or is it a curiosity thing?

Yeah, it matters a lot. Especially if you are developing loads for vintage guns, and even more so if they are more or less wildcat chambers (2-inch 12 gauge in my case). I've found the chrony much more useful for shotguns than for rifles actually.

What do you suppose the velocity drop off is when shooting a 2" 12gauge shell in a 3" chamber (which is what commercial pressure testing rigs use) to the proper 2" chamber? It tells you real quick that you can't trust the commercial pressure testing folks for things like that.

Anyway, if you are an off-the-shelf shooter, it won't matter, but then it wont matter for rifles much either.
Yeah, it matters a lot. Especially if you are developing loads for vintage guns, and even more so if they are more or less wildcat chambers (2-inch 12 gauge in my case). I've found the chrony much more useful for shotguns than for rifles actually.

What do you suppose the velocity drop off is when shooting a 2" 12gauge shell in a 3" chamber (which is what commercial pressure testing rigs use) to the proper 2" chamber? It tells you real quick that you can't trust the commercial pressure testing folks for things like that.

Anyway, if you are an off-the-shelf shooter, it won't matter, but then it wont matter for rifles much either.
Hmmm. Sounds pretty interesting. You are the first person I’ve ever ran across that does this type of thing. Sounds pretty interesting. I hadn’t considered the possibility of wildcat chamberings in the shotgun world.
I bet you get to tinker with some pretty neat shotguns.
I had a Magneto speed for 8 years or so. No issues at all other than point of impact shift generally and occasionally an improvement in group size. Some one mentioned hard kickers, mine spent a lot of time on a 338 Jarrett with no malfunctions.
Picked up a Garmin a month ago. Dang thing is awesome. MY recommendation is buy once cry once. I do need to change the date and time.


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Garmin fan here too. The other thing about Garmin is they have great customer service. Supposedly another company (maybe Labradar) is coming out with something similar, but they are known for just the opposite.
I’ve been using a Labradar for 5-6 years, functionally a good unit, but user interface kinda sucks. If I was looking to purchase a new one, it would be a Garmin for sure!

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