Speer hot-cor


Active member
Jun 8, 2020
East Coast
I looked in the search but didn't find much, i found some speer hot-cor in 180 gr .308 and 150 gr .277 picked up 200 in each. These will be what I hunt with in 2021, probably. Can anyone comment with their experience, or their opinions of these bullets. Both will be loaded over win 760 and magnum primers.
I shot a decent whitetail buck with a 165 hot-cor 30 06. DRT. They are good bullets, have been used for years to kill all kinds of critters. I usually hear them referred to as basic cup and core bullets. The jackets may seperate but the critter will likely be dead. I have found the accuracy to be very good. You'll do OK with them. I loaded some rl23 with the 270win and they were very accurate. Good luck.
I have killed many deer and elk with these.
I have never had one shed a jacket. Perfect mushrooms every time
I have used the 90 gr 6mm in several 243 Win rifles as well as 150 gr 30 cal in 308 and 30-06 rifles for years. They are my favorite non bonded lead core bullets. Accurate and consistent in performance best describes them..

They generally the best value for sporting bullets one can buy...
I used 160gr hot core's years ago in a 7mm mag. Nothing less than great. Did some shooting into newspaper with it at 100yds and the 160gr Hot Core from my 7mm mag mushroomed perfectly, the core was tight to the jacket after firing and it retained 85% of it's weight. Very unappreciated bullet!
I forgot to mention it will be in 270 win and 300 WSM, but after hearing from everyone and everything I have seen elsewhere they should be good hunting bullets. Speer has them labeled as medium and big game hunting bullets. Glad I picked them up when I had the chance.
Sportsmens ware house had some 145gr SP Bt I bought one box. I think it was in late November.
My nephew used a 180 grain Hot-Cor to take the large cow elk below in October 2021. For reference, my nephew (in the picture) is 6'2" and 235 lbs. He bought the only 30-06 ammo he could find and it did not shoot well out of his gun. I had some 180 Hot-Cor's laying around and used the brass from the bullets he bought to load them (I load them in .308). Muzzle velocity was 2720 fps over my chronograph. He shot the cow quartering away at about 80 yards. The bullet entered near the back of the ribs and lodged under the hide on the far side, just behind the front shoulder. The picture of the damage/bullet is exactly how he found it when he removed the hide. From the photo, it looks like the bullet may have exited the ribs and followed the hide forward, putting a dent in the front shoulder.
He returned the bullet. It retained 122.3 grains and expanded to .673”. I used the same bullet to take a deer at 382 yards (from my .308, mv 2650 FPS). Exit the size of a silver dollar and the deer expired fairly quickly. A nice quarter sized wound through the lungs. A little stout for deer but it did the job. I included a pic of the deer lung wound.


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Needed to load up ammo for my 300WM but was out of my 180gr Sierra GK's. Was able months ago to find 180gr Speer Hot Cor so I purchased two 100ct. boxes. Loaded them up with 72grs. of IMR 4831 and they shot even tighter than my SGK's. Hoping to have good success with them in two weeks in Nebraska.
Good job.

I have used 150 grain Hot Cors in my 3006 for years with good success. I have also used the 170s in 3030 and 130s in 30p BLK.

I do like those bullets, but this year switched to monos for the first time.
I killed deer with 6.5mm 120gr for several years. They're tougher than most cup n core bullets, including Fusion/Gold Dot. Not the greatest blood trails but never failed to exit. If near heavy cover I would take a CNS shot when possible.
I killed deer with 6.5mm 120gr for several years. They're tougher than most cup n core bullets, including Fusion/Gold Dot. Not the greatest blood trails but never failed to exit. If near heavy cover I would take a CNS shot when possible.
Appreciate the input I will keep that in mind a few of my spots are in the thick brush
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