Caribou Gear Tarp

Speeding In Montana

Local Montana folks have no clue how to drive. They use the turn lane as a speed up lane to merge into traffic and then when you can’t pass them they slow down to below the speed limit.
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Once during rush hour in SLC we watched a bright yellow Corvette come from the left freeway entry ramp and somehow miraculously crossed five lanes through traffic at high speed, exiting at the next exit on the right. It was both very scary as well as impressive! We were glad to reach our destination and get the hell out of SLC traffic!
This is common place in Houston. Those little black and white signs act more like a minimum limit. Except during rush hours. If the traffic isn’t there, our normal speed is around 80 on the freeways
Welcome to Chicago, where doing 80 lets you see a squad car roll on past you without giving you a glance.
The speed limit on the Montana interstate from MT to ID is 80.
Since I am retired, there is no need for me to go fast, so I typically do the speed limit.

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