Speeding In Montana

I work in the Wyoming Department of Corrections. I have had a few inmates as students who were transporting contraband through our state, at high speeds, and were pulled over, only to get some time in our prison system. I feel like putting an ad campaign together, telling those who sell drugs, to drive the speed limit while going through Wyoming.
That fence has been ready to fall down in a slight breeze for many years. I drive by it all the time. And it's not like that little town is asking too much to slow down to 40, most towns it is 25.
Yeah, the reasonable and prudent was a) a very different time, and Montana was a far less populated place, and b) entirely too subjective to be a great idea. Who knows what is reasonable these days.
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I'm still struggling with the new 65 mph speed limit when buzzing through Bozeman. I feel like I'm not moving.
I would like to see a 55 MPH speed limit on the interstate highways again just to watch people lose their shit. It would be character building. ;)
Drive through the Salt Lake Valley sometime. mtmuley
Once during rush hour in SLC we watched a bright yellow Corvette come from the left freeway entry ramp and somehow miraculously crossed five lanes through traffic at high speed, exiting at the next exit on the right. It was both very scary as well as impressive! We were glad to reach our destination and get the hell out of SLC traffic!

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