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South Dakota 100/0 on NR Rocky BHS tags? Why not 1 NR?

Gotta fund those pheasants for NR hunters.

Have you guys ever thought about raising pheasants at the SD State Penitentiary? It's all the rage.
That would be funny if it wasn't true. Somewhere in the bowels of the Capital Building there is a list of a--holes who won't shut up and follow the Gov's orders. I'm on that list.
SD - where is your NR BHS tag allocation? 10 tags, but all RES only?

Again this year, SD residents are keeping all 10 Rocky BHS tags for themselves? Why?

SD keeps 100% of east river deer tags for residents. And you were SO vocal in early 2023 about uncapped NR archery deer tags in west river. NRs were taking the vast majority of west river archery deer (~120 deer/year) and you were so mad.

You successfully lobbied the commission for NR archery deer caps in west river. But you forgot to talk to your commission about having 10 ram tags for many years and not sharing 10% with NRs.

10 * 10% = 1.

Aside, good job Nevada for re-opening your NR Mountain Goat hunt code for 1 NR tag. NV realized that 2023 was the second year of >10 RES goat tags (summing up ALL units), and did the right thing.

2023bhsheep.pdf (

Where is “South Dakota Bowhunter Incorporated” when we need them?
State caps non-resident archery licenses on public land - South Dakota Searchlight
In case you haven't been paying attention it's every state for themselves now. Thats how it works.
OP - "Hey, why can't NR's get a big horn tag in SD!?!?! I'm entitled to have an opportunity!!!😡"

Everyone in SD -
The sooner our GFP weans itself from the tit of NR money, the better.
Why? So we lose WIA agreements, GPA maintenance goes even further into the shidder, and lose Conservation Officers in the field?
I'm all for limiting them on big game opportunities since its been way to much of a free for all in the past, but can't deny the fact NRs pump far more money into the dept than resident hunters. Let them come and shoot pheasants. There's enough for everyone. Plus, tons of them just go to preserves.
I forgot the sarcasm emoji. I know the NR pheasant hunters drive an industry. But think about not having 200 NR boats at the ramp every weekend, 10's of thousands less pheasant, deer, antelope, duck, goose, dove hunters around all fall. Yup, budget would go to crap but the hunting and fishing would be LESS crowded. Just a pipe dream.
This break from crapping on Rocky Mountain states brought to you by...

View attachment 272778
Played some HS basketball in that building. I will never forget telling my buddy to “watch this” on the inbound pass and then proceeded to launch an end of the half, 3/4 court shot well over the hoop and hitting the corn mural above the visiting teams cheering section. Made it rain…kernels that is😂
This break from crapping on Rocky Mountain states brought to you by...

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A lot of great memories for me in the corn palace. For many years the State AAU wrestling tournament was held there. Being born and raised and spending 30 years of my life in SD I agree that the ELK and sheep should go to the residents. Its about the resource and supply and demand and opportunity also. Millions of pheasants so why not utilize the resource by opening it up to many. Elk and sheep are few compared to CO,WY,MT so hard to justify. Its probably why the Elk hunting is also superb in SD.... Sure anybody can buy an elk tag in CO but look at those success rates in the OTC units.... I would agree though that SD does need to wise up and take a page out of IA's playbook when it comes to deer hunting that is for East river anyway... I feel like all there Rifle seasons should be pushed to December and leave the bowhunting for November, should help those deer to grow bigger. lot of other states as you know have there rifle seasons after the rut.
Are you sure. I was pretty sure non res can’t apply for moose, elk, and sheep there, but I could be wrong in some part.
you are wrong, its $100 non-refundable and i know because i've donated $1,000 over the last 10 years putting in for it.
from the 2023-24 BIG 3 Proclamation

I feel like all there Rifle seasons should be pushed to December and leave the bowhunting for November, should help those deer to grow bigger. lot of other states as you know have there rifle seasons after the rut.
As someone who hunts east river without any private access, I'd have to disagree with you on that. If it were to be pushed into December, the public land east river hunters wouldn't have a prayer. Hell, a lot of years your only chance to catch a deer on public is the first 5 days of the season. After the rut winds down and they start pushing onto private ag fields for food sources and don't typically leave until spring. At least in the counties I've hunted...
As someone who hunts east river without any private access, I'd have to disagree with you on that. If it were to be pushed into December, the public land east river hunters wouldn't have a prayer. Hell, a lot of years your only chance to catch a deer on public is the first 5 days of the season. After the rut winds down and they start pushing onto private ag fields for food sources and don't typically leave until spring. At least in the counties I've hunted...
Played some HS basketball in that building. I will never forget telling my buddy to “watch this” on the inbound pass and then proceeded to launch an end of the half, 3/4 court shot well over the hoop and hitting the corn mural above the visiting teams cheering section. Made it rain…kernels that is😂
That’s a whole new meaning to popcorn
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