Soon to be an Ex-Southern Californian


New member
Oct 23, 2017
I've lurked on here quite a bit over the last year. Thanks for all the knowledge so far. You guys are great.

I've only ever hunted birds (dove and duck) and really want to get out there and do some DIY public land big game hunts. Not too many opportunities where I live (Ventura County, CA), but the fiancee and I are planning a (permanent) move up to the Rockies at some point after our wedding later this year, so hopefully that will give me more accessibility to public land big game hunting. We're looking closely at the Idaho Falls area.

Thanks again for all the info and interesting conversations so far. Excited to be here. (Also excited to be leaving CA.)
Welcome, best thing I ever did was move out of California. If you move to Idaho or Montana, don’t invite any of your friends or family that want to make these places like California.. Bozeman reminds me of Pasadena, can’t stand the place.
Welcome! Good choice on Idaho - A place where the beer flows like wine, where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano. A little place called Idaho.
Thanks for the warm welcome and all the kind words!

Sounds like a competition is brewing to keep me out of everyone's home state. :confused: That's alright. I promise not to bring along any of my family members (or their voting habits). They all have the perception that anyone not living in SF, LA, or San Diego must be inbred morons anyway, so we'll just leave it that way and let them stay out on the coast indefinitely.

Welcome, best thing I ever did was move out of California. If you move to Idaho or Montana, don’t invite any of your friends or family that want to make these places like California.. Bozeman reminds me of Pasadena, can’t stand the place.

That sounds awful. My parents both grew up in Pasadena and I avoid going down there at all costs (goes for the rest of LA County as well).

Welcome from a Santa Barbara County transplant, getting of out SoCal is the best move you'll ever make!

Thanks! Ah yes, our ritzy gun-hating neighbor to the north. You're not missing much in SB County. I mean, unless you're into extremely high real estate prices, drought, fires, and deadly mudslides. Then you're missing out on a lot.

Good for you (leaving So Cal); lucky bastard :)

I take it you too are one of the stricken?
Welcome from a central valley transplant, best thing my family ever did was to move from there. Live in arkansas but north idaho has had my eye for a while.
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