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Sons first bear 12 yrs old....Pics and story

Congrats, that was a great bear pic and story, i be very proud, hope u both catch many more
SS34, congrats all the way around. Trying to get those kids out to hunt can be a pain sometimes especially at your son's age. (My eldest son is 15) They have their minds on girls, friends, music, school, and video games. However, once you get them in the field and they have some success it's amazing how cool hunting suddenly becomes. Then again as dads/hunters we already knew that, the tricky part is getting them to remember it. I'd say that bear is a huge step in the right direction.
LOL.. I love the truck pics. I'm always amaised you bring everyhting out whole.

Cookie Monster...... :D

You should care how the pics come out. Most of the Chit you shoot should be in a Magazine. Regardless, Kudos again.
Awsome photos !!!!!!

Moosie --- its A M A Z E D .... amazed buddy ........ not amaised |oo
Moosie, Bears I roll out the bears literally. Bucks can drive to them.

Big Sky
I try to get him out. I dont hunt birds because I know nothing about them. My son is diagnosed Bi-polar and ADHD so sitting a bait is hard for him. He finally made friends this last year in school and that is why he didnt want to hunt because he was going to stay at friends house over the weekend. But when he heard the girls talking about hunting to me and how cool a person is that hunts Damian stepped up to the plate so you are right girls. Daughters one friend even pulled the eye out and was looking at it and she wants to hunt and said she has gutted stuff before. well this boy Donnie was standing there next to my daughter and he turns around and says I have never killed anything and never would, Katie without missing a beat turns to him and says"What are you a tree hugger?" I just about died laughing.
But yes I totally agree with you about kids put there minds in other area's. But I hope my son never gives it up. He has alot of troubles in his life and I want to find him a better outlet for him. Just wish the season where closer for him. He is small and his bow I got him has to be turned to 40 pds and I believe he will be around 16-17 before he gets to use a good bow for the right poundage. Now we live in town and he hasnt got to shoot his bow.
Supersider34, it sounds like you are doing a lot of things right. As long as you are his "dad" for now, and then later, after he's 18, it's more than okay to be his dad and best friend. Too many dad's try to be their young children's buddy or best friend and most of those kids turn out to be social misfits, because they didn't have a dad to lay down the law when needed. Buddy's and friends get in trouble together so it's pretty tough to be both until they get older. I'm not saying you are guilty of any of this. I just finished having a tough school year as a high school teacher so it's on the forefront of my mind right now. Just so you know I'm an adult hyperactive so I can appreciate what your boy is going through. I'd say the smile on your boys face told most of the story about how his day went. Good job dad!