Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Sometimes working in the gun shop hurts....a LOT


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2013
Colorado Springs
I will start this by telling you all that at our Scheels employees can't have a crack at used guns until they have been on the floor 90 days (you can imagine most don't make that). In the last month or so I have lusted in my heart twice and stand here a broken man ;)

First, about a month ago we bought a Sig 2009 from a guy. I was astounded at how low the blue book value on the gun was considering it was in at least 90% condition and came with FIVE magazines.......listed for $299.99. I beg and pleaded for them to take my money. No dice. Amazingly, just to taunt me, it lasted 3 weeks :(

Yesterday, fairly close to closing, our rifle manager pulls a couple of preowned guns from upstairs. First was not really my bag but a decent set up. A Marlin 336 30-30 topped with a Maven scope for $599.99. Next was the dagger.....a Model 70 featherweight in 270 with beautiful wood and checkering topped with a VariX 3 for.....$349.99. Nothing I need by any stretch but DAMN!! It was 5 minutes to close and the last customer was at the counter taking the 2 handguns he had purchased and he saw the tag on the gun as it came out. That gun didn't make it to the rack ;)

Sometimes it is just painful ;)
Better system than Cabelas, by far. Their employees get first crack at all the used guns before they ever see the floor. It’s bull crap.
I can imagine how badly the former owner who traded/sold it got dinged. However, nothing said about condition of the bore.
It was most likely a family member that inherited the firearm and took it to Schteals.. An in house Scheels firearms "appraiser " probably looked at a generic blue book and determined the value. Taking a firearm to SCHEELS for trade in or evaluation is the same as taking a car to the special Olympics and asking for a professional opinion on its historical value and why purple taste different than yellow.
I love Scheels online shopping, but in store leaves quite a bit to be desired. Can't wait for them to thin out a few stores .
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