Something got messed up

Dave N

Well-known member
Feb 20, 2013
Looks like we've lost about a weeks worth of posts. Thought my computer at home was acting up, but it's the same at work.
Wow. That sucks. There was some really good stuff in there. All that sage advice for Montanakid's career aspirations, down the drain! Damn you technology! Hopefully it's just sitting on a server somewhere waiting to be revived?
My guess is they had to do a system restore to a point and time and lost stuff and or have not rolled forward. My money is on it's gone though....
Good news is I can actually get to work now instead of reading for the next half hour. On second thought, I think I'll go fishn instead :)
We've been hacked by monster muleys. They are infiltrating and preparing for to drop a drama bomb followed by a mass invasion of IMO's and IMHO's! We are DOOMED!
Class action lawsuit to compensate for having to waste all that time at work again.
Not to worry, just FOIA the NSA. They have everything.

I was locked out this morning (said bad password) but now it's working. :hump:
We've been hacked by monster muleys. They are infiltrating and preparing for to drop a drama bomb followed by a mass invasion of IMO's and IMHO's! We are DOOMED!

You mean I'm not pc and in the club....

...I'm just relieved I didn't misplace a week of my life.
You guys are correct, there has been a brute force hacking attempt over the last 24hrs that caused some issues. To restore order quickly last night we rolled back to a backup from early morning on the 15th. In the interim we have addressed some of the issues and will attempt restore the last week or so of posts. If we are successful that may result in the posts from last night to present being gone. Which we think is a better outcome.

Apologies for the issues, we'll try to get this all ironed out today.

-Tyler (Big Fin's IT Guy)
You guys are correct, there has been a brute force hacking attempt over the last 24hrs that caused some issues. To restore order quickly last night we rolled back to a backup from early morning on the 15th. In the interim we have addressed some of the issues and will attempt restore the last week or so of posts. If we are successful that may result in the posts from last night to present being gone. Which we think is a better outcome.

Apologies for the issues, we'll try to get this all ironed out today.

-Tyler (Big Fin's IT Guy)

I know squat about IT. What is a brute force hacking attempt, who does such things, and is this "personal" to HT for some reason, or just business by some individual or group that goes after any old web site for some monetary/identity theft reason? Or is there no known reason? :confused:
Interesting. A running forum that I participate on has been dealing with some similar issues and has had to lock their forum down so that no new posters are allowed for now.
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