Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

Somebody's Daughter


Well-known member
May 10, 2010
Boise, Idaho
Wife and I beat ourselves up on yard work yesterday so I jumped on the scooter and ran to Albertsons to grab us some ice cream for a treat. Just finished paying and headed to the door. Somebody said, "Hey!" quite loud.
I turned around to see a good looking 20ish year-old lady coming up to me. WTH?

"YOU ARE DISGUSTING AND YOUR SHIRT IS CRUEL AND INHUMANE!!" I was dumbfounded to say the least. I didn't even know what to say. Luckily a guy about my age came and she lit into him about being a hunter and killing off the wildlife. I told him he was on his own because the ice cream was going to melt and I left. I am still shaking my head...

I had on my ProngHorn Freak tee-shirt, the one that says, "I aim to connect with nature."
First time for everything I guess.

Would you have stayed to duke it out with her or just not given her the time of day?
Way to keep a cool head! If you had retaliated in a like tone, it probably would have just fueled her fire/hatred of hunters. Hope you got to enjoy your ice cream after that incident! I would like to think that I would have just walked away and ignored her too.
Wouldn't bother giving her time of day. You done good on your decision. :)
You probably did the right thing. I, on the other hand would have probably made some smart ass comment about needing to hunt loudmouthed bitches who don't know anything about where the money comes from that supports all wildlife!!!!
Albertsons on Vista and Overland is a well known Green Peace hang out.

Don't waste a minute thinking about debating or arguing, it's a waste.
I made an educated guess on which store. Back when you posted your pictures of your driveway I had a hunch in what area you lived. I installed a lot of cable TV on the Boise Bench way back in 1991 while going to school at BSU.

I have missed the Boise Valley since we left it in 2001. We visited this last summer and for some reason, it seemed completely different. It has changed. It problably changed when Manley's Cafe closed shop.

When confronted with the anti-hunters, just ask for a hug.
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Just tell her all of the dirty things that were going through your head when you first looked at her. If you do that her jaw will drop.
To approach a stranger and give him a mouthful probably indicates she was an extremist anyway and no matter how reasoning you could have been with your discussions on the virtue of hunting, game management and utilizing the harvested meat to feed your family, it probably wouldn't have got too far past her ears...
But you could at least have asked her to take her t-shirt off and swap it over for yours?
way to keep your cool. I'm hoping I could have done the same. . . .on a side note, she probably had more hair under her arms than you! . . .treehuggers. . .gotta love em!:)
An idiot is an idiot and you won't change them. Just look at how many are still going to vote for Obama!:eek: You did well with your decision. I would have started laughing at her and would have really made her mad.
You did the right thing.

It is not fair to enter a battle of wits when your opponent is unarmed.

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