Somebody sent me a No. 1 **IT'S FINISHED!!**

Got a meeting with my finance guy this morning. Wants to know what big plans we have, Africa again, new truck, grand kids college kind of things. Going to show him that picture then make him help me load the #1s in the truck. The grands can put themselfs through school.
I’ve been buying and selling #1s since the 70s, that is the nicest looking one I’ve ever seen. Well done!
Degrees are overrated..

Holy crap, you do beautiful work! How is the barrel band secured? Did you have to heat it first to install, or was it a slip fit and then soldered?
Thank you. Barrel band bore was tapered to match the barrel, then lightly pressed on with loctite 608 for retaining.

I didn't want to cause a constriction with a thermal fit.

Wow, that's gorgeous. I've always wanted a No. 1, but there were so many reports about iffy accuracy which would drive me nuts. I'll bet this one drives tacks.
A lot of the accuracy issues can be fixed. There are devices you can get for the spring hanger assy along with relieving some stress points.
Reminds me of an old quote by an old time gunmaker, (I want to say it was Al Linden but I could be wrong), and I paraphrase, “ A rubber pad on a fine rifle is like rubber boots on a pretty woman”.
Wow you guys are sensitive. Wasn’t meant to be a slight, I think the rifle is beautiful, but if you’re ever in Helena and want to split my skull or pop me in the mouth, let me know.
The fact you gum chewers don't understand @ismith just dropped the toniest post on a toney gun thread makes me think you all buy fruit stripe.

The only acceptable rubber pad on a fine gun is a red one. Otherwise it's steel or carved horn.

The fact you gum chewers don't understand @ismith just dropped the toniest post on a toney gun thread makes me think you all buy fruit stripe.

The only acceptable rubber pad on a fine gun is a red one. Otherwise it's steel or carved horn.


Orange looks nice too. I’ve never been a fan of black pads though. Personally I prefer a leather covered rubber pad.
There's always one. I guess Rigby doesn't know how to make rifles either. And, FWIW, @p-ham's looks nicer and doesn't cost $20K.

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You spend a lot for the name when you buy a Rigby. The California Rigbys were a joke for the most part. The old Rigbys, Holland and Hollands, and Hoffmans were the cream of the crop. Throw in Griffin Howe and a smattering of other small shops into that category. Many of them are pretty women wearing rubber boots. The best of the best and made from the blank. Alvin Linden, for example, would rough out his blanks with a hatchet, and he had a sense of humor too, which is something you guys (and/or gals/or whatever your pronouns are) should look into.
p_ham did the heavy tasteful lifting, a Texas public school grad picked the pillion pad.
I had to look up what a pillion pad is!! You guys are out of my league! I’m out, though I’ll continue to watch @p_ham (who is a gentleman!) and his very obvious talents. (He currently has a rifle of mine).
I’ll try and refrain from commenting because I’m not sure I’m sharp enough to keep up with the conversation!
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