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Somebody help me


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2020
south dakota
I live in a state that limits muzzleloaders to 1x scopes or sights. Being an archer, I like the advantage that a fiber optic wrapped sight brings to the accuracy of bows. Problem with most rifle fiber optics is they are a .060 rod that covers up around 12" @ 100 yds. A .010 fiber would theoretically only cover 1/6th of that if my math is correct. Even a .029 would only cover 6". I bubba'd around and made a rudimentary one for my Muzzy and it works but its not factory. I had tried to encourage Truglo or one of those outfits to make and sell one but now that most states have gotten soft and allowed unlimited power scopes, the economics probably do not pan out for them. I was at an auction and low and behold I found one mounted on a Lyman Muzzleleoader and damned if it doesnt say TRUGLO right on the side of it. It is the only one I have ever seen. Can anybody tell me about this model or when it was made or what for? I somehow got the inpression it might have been made for air rifles. I took and pic and will attach. And if you have one and are willing to part with it. Let me know. The base of the sight was round and it was obviously adapted to fit on this octagon barrel. Thanks


  • tgmz.jpg
    471.1 KB · Views: 14
Quick google image search came back with this part number from Midway: TG958G. Discontinued, best of luck finding a used one!
You bet. I started using the tool on the Google homepage where you can upload photos and it will find like images as a help with identifying plants, but it's proven to be really helpful for obscure items like that. Maybe you will get lucky and find a sight on Ebay or at a swap meet!
I went to midway and looked under Truglo and found Truglo Air Gun Globe Front Sight Universal fit. Bought three, see what happens. Did not say discontinued. Did not find this anywhere else including TRUGLO. WTH Does not list fiber size. Might be an insert for an existing globe sight. Time will tell. Thanks again.
OK, I got the three fiber optic air gun sights. They apparently mount to an Exterior dove tail. Not really familiar with air gun dovetails so I will have to do some digging unless someone can point me in the right directions. It seems all my muzzies have screwed on front sights. Maybe I have to make a screwed on dovetail ?
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