Some Show Updates

Randy, I voted for you and I don't even have a TV. When are those DVDs coming out?? :)
Just think about next year when the viewers get to see more of the Hunt Talk gang,(Oak,ID Bugler,Bushy) and others.Ratings will probably go threw the roof.I don't know if you could find a better bunch of hunters than the ones that spend time here.Just glad I get to hang out and learn a few things.Congratulations on the nominations.
Congrats on the nominations Bigfin !!! can't wait to see this years footage, Fish
Just keep tellin' it like it is and stressing the solid ethics. In other words, keep runnin' what brung ya'. Your show should be very successful.

Most people who hunt public land take a lot of pride in finding and taking game consistently without all the frills and expense and pitted against who knows how many other people out there. They do it their way, and they're proud of it. Your show epitomizes that attitude. Any sponsor who can't see that needs to re-analyze their target audience a bit.
Congratulations! Nothing is more gratifying than a well deserved pat on the back... unless it's well deserved money in the bank...
...... Your show epitomizes that attitude. Any sponsor who can't see that needs to re-analyze their target audience a bit.........

Bio - can I send you the contact info for about ten of the big outdoor ad agencies so you can tell them just that. Since few, if any, of them hunt, they could use some schooling about who represents the majority of the target audience for their clients. Ah, but what do we know, we're just hunters?

Thanks for the comments guys.
Bio - can I send you the contact info for about ten of the big outdoor ad agencies so you can tell them just that. Since few, if any, of them hunt, they could use some schooling about who represents the majority of the target audience for their clients. Ah, but what do we know, we're just hunters?

Thanks for the comments guys.

Sure you can... You have my email.
People like us are who get overlooked because we're not spending large, individually. But, as a group, I'd lay odds we spend as much as anybody on the things that we need for our trips.
Sure you can... You have my email.
People like us are who get overlooked because we're not spending large, individually. But, as a group, I'd lay odds we spend as much as anybody on the things that we need for our trips.

Bio - Actually, non-guided hunters spend less per capita than guide hunters, when considering total expenditures, but not by much.

When lease costs, guides, outfitters, and tips are taken away, the annual per capita expenditure by non-guided hunters on equipment, licenses, etc. is higher than the per capita expenditure of guided hunters.

Not that one is better than the other, but when the non-guided hunter is well over 90% of the hunter population, and their per capita expenditures on equipment are higher than other hunters, you would think manufacturers and retailers would be all over the non-guided hunter.

And, when non-guided hunters represent over 90% of license fees and excise taxes, you would think state agencies would be doing all they can to support those hunters.

Could this data be ignored, for logical reasons? I mean, let's face it, I am kind of the black sheep in this industry?

Not many in the industry, from TV hosts, network execs, ad agencies, many of the manufacturers, to other decision makers, hunt On Their Own. So, in their world, guided hunting is by far the norm, so the data we show seems to be looked at in disbelief.

But, we are making converts slowly but surely. It does require some "missionary zeal" to continue to preach the gospel of non-guided hunting/hunters, but like most missionary work, the efforts are found to be quite rewarding to those doing such. :D
I just knew that those missionary visits were going to give you future experience Fin:D Your half way in water practically:)
A lot of people like that missionary position, don't you know...
I also think there needs to be a distinction between lease hunters and public land hunters. A lot of people pay a yearly lease to hunt private land and still don't have a guide. They must do all the scouting and habitat work themselves in most cases. Comparatively, the cost is less than a guided hunt, but the pressure is less depending on the size of the lease and the neighboring competition.
I've said this before, but when you hunt on public land; you have to almost pattern the other hunters as much as the game to have consistent success. That's what makes it so much more of a challenge... If you can consistently bag quality game animals like deer, elk, and turkey on public land; then I think you can consider yourself accomplished. Anyone can get lucky, but consistency takes skill, don't you know...
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