Software upgrade

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Today I spent the afternoon looking at the new software upgrades. Some technical issues will require a few tweaks, but hopefully not too much.

These are the changes I noticed today. I am sure there are some others, but have not had time to check every single feature.

1. There are lots of viruses in the photo gallery files. If you posted your photos to the gallery, you might lose those photos. If you upload your photos into the thread, should be no problem. Sorry for those of you with photos in the gallery, but I really have no choice.

2. Avatars - You may have to reload the photo used in your avatar, if you are using one. I know it is kind of a pain, but we are jumping many versions in this software, and rather than making every transition to each succeeding version, we are going from the old version to the newest version in one leap. There will be some small problems.

3. Registration - We will have new registration format for new users. Most of this is to stop the spamming that is a daily occurrence.

4. Appearance - There will be some changes in appearance, but should be nothing too major. Hopefully you will not think you are at some other site.

By making these upgrades, we will reduce spamming and hacking, and allow for some new features to be integrated. I think you will find the minor inconveniences worth the benefits.

It will be a few weeks before we make the change, but when it happens, the site will be down for the smallest time period possible.

More coming soon.
No worries. I only have 532 of the 3,779 photos loaded in the gallery. :D
No worries. I only have 532 of the 3,779 photos loaded in the gallery. :D

Its kinda sad oak. This will be like the 3rd or 4th time they delete our galleries but dammit we still rebuild them. When will we learn? Just in case you lose any pics that you do not have copies of I have all your shed antler ones saved for you. I saved them for you just in case your computer crashes....Yeah thats it:D
Somebody be sure to back up all the classics, pan man, elk fetus, etc etc..
Fin they aint really virusus, they are more like scripts. make sure your web guys delete those before they put them to use. they don't attach to anyfile like a virus does, its more of a back door program that hackers found a way to get in. it was an attempted hack a while ago that didnt work. its not really a virus

kinda like when you click the post button, thats actually a file.

but that isnt the problem your guys are having, they need to get a gallery( this one is ran on VB only so this gallery won't work but the pictures are still there) the other gallerys should have a script to move files from one gallery to another.
I sent a email to your webguys the other day explaining how it worked.

I have all the pics they will stay on my server till fins guys get there stuff going, then if they loose some in the transfer I have them.

oh cd's I have the orgs from when the board first started. and also quite a few before we were hacked and had server issues.
Its kinda sad oak. This will be like the 3rd or 4th time they delete our galleries but dammit we still rebuild them. When will we learn? Just in case you lose any pics that you do not have copies of I have all your shed antler ones saved for you. I saved them for you just in case your computer crashes....Yeah thats it:D

if this happened it would be the second time. the first time was a few years ago when we got hacked and the server didnt make back ups correctly.

when we changed software a long time ago to VB all the pics were transfer over a gig of them just some of the titles and owners got lost. at that time we needed to upgrade to a new forum do to the old forum used cgi files and we always got hacked bad. plus the old forum company changed there software and nothing would upgrad to their new software(posts images members etc) its when PHP type boards got popular, we were also able to save most of the posts.
Fin they aint really virusus, they are more like scripts. make sure your web guys delete those before they put them to use. they don't attach to anyfile like a virus does, its more of a back door program that hackers found a way to get in. it was an attempted hack a while ago that didnt work. its not really a virus.


My web guys explained it like you did, but being a CPA (read low tech redneck) it all sounded the same to me.

End result - As we make this conversion, we may lose some gallery stuff.

BTW, am I ever gonna get an invoice from you? Better send it soon, the way the Fed is printing money, next week I might be paying my bills with Monopoly money. :D

Thanks for all your help Del. For those of you who don't know, Del is the guy behind the scenes, keeping this project together. That would put him somewhere in the catergory of "miracle worker."
That Bizznach owns this place for 1 day and is already fixin' it ..... ;)

Oh yeah! Another one of these expensive software upgrades and data migrations, and I might give you back the keys. Or we will give it to someone who can actually afford to own this place. :p
I havent seen what they are doing but I herd its going to be pretty cool.

When its final and gets going I will disconnect the server to hunttalk, but leave the files and everthing on it till your guys get all the bugs worked out. that way if something is lost or crashed it will be there.
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