I'm in the same boat. No way I could afford my $1mil+ home on my current salary if I had to buy today. Feel very fortunate. Also feel very fortunate that I've been able to max out my 401k the last several years, but it definitely didn't start that way. Agree with your opinion, and when I started in this industry at $60k/year salary, I wasn't even close to be able to do that.I've been fortunate because of my age as well, have contributed 20% for my whole career plus the 5% match.
But the problem is, for new employees that's incredibly difficult to do with the monster price increases in homes, vehicles, food, clothing, etc. etc. in the past 10 years. I couldn't afford to live in the house I do if I were forced to buy it today...I just don't make enough to afford an 850K home.
I think we have a good plan. 4% match at 100%, plus an additional mandatory company contribution based on age + years of service. I'm currently at an additional 6% with another increase coming in the next couple of years. So minimum, if I only put in 4%, my company puts in an additional 10%.