PEAX Equipment

So you want the US Government to transfer our lands to State ownership?


Well-known member
Aug 14, 2019
Snorth Idaho
Some of you won't be able to see this as anything more than Trump bashing. This could happen no matter who is elected President, so forget that. This is not about Voter ID. I'm for that too, so you won't get any traction there either.

Those of us who oppose the divestiture of US public land (our land!) regularly point out that States do not have to funds to fight fire. In most States that would mean their Constitutions or Code would require the lands to be liquidated. (Sold to corporations or individuals. ) When I use this argument I am often asked to prove it. See below.

This news article pretty much sums up a very likely outcome if a public land transfer were to happen. Federal assistance money comes with strings. When States ask Uncle Sam for money, he is going to ask for something in return. Another example which some of us are old enough to remember is when the "Sage Brush Rebel" President, Ronald Reagan, withheld Federal highway money to the States if they did not enact 55 MPH speed limits.

I suffered from Reagan Derangement Syndrome for decades. I'm in recovery now.

Born in this country in 1955.
So now I'm not a citizen?
Declaration from the guy I heard say CA's water flows down from Canada just yesterday.

Still wear my cowboy hat I got the day Nixon resigned and Butte was a street party.
Went back to CA and Reagan ruined the state.

I will carry all the time now.
Better not see any ICE at my gate.
Born in this country in 1955.
So now I'm not a citizen?
Declaration from the guy I heard say CA's water flows down from Canada just yesterday.

Still wear my cowboy hat I got the day Nixon resigned and Butte was a street party.
Went back to CA and Reagan ruined the state.

I will carry all the time now.
Better not see any ICE at my gate.
I think you are ok. ;)
Some of you won't be able to see this as anything more than Trump bashing. This could happen no matter who is elected President, so forget that. This is not about Voter ID. I'm for that too, so you won't get any traction there either.

Those of us who oppose the divestiture of US public land (our land!) regularly point out that States do not have to funds to fight fire. In most States that would mean their Constitutions or Code would require the lands to be liquidated. (Sold to corporations or individuals. ) When I use this argument I am often asked to prove it. See below.

This news article pretty much sums up a very likely outcome if a public land transfer were to happen. Federal assistance money comes with strings. When States ask Uncle Sam for money, he is going to ask for something in return. Another example which some of us are old enough to remember is when the "Sage Brush Rebel" President, Ronald Reagan, withheld Federal highway money to the States if they did not enact 55 MPH speed limits.

I suffered from Reagan Derangement Syndrome for decades. I'm in recovery now.

You need a better link that we can read.
Nixon enacted the 55 mph speed limit law.

Congress still has to appropriate highway funds annually, and the President can veto if something isn’t to their liking or if they have a specific pet issue they’d like to tie to a budget bill. The speed limit issue for ping ponged around numerous times with numerous nuances.

Less nuanced was Reagan holding highway funds hostage if states didn’t raise their drinking age to 21.

OP - I can’t read the Facebook Link either. No one under 65 uses that site anymore. ;)
I think you are ok. ;)
Oh I know I am.

Concerned that NM State Trust Lands will own any more.
Can't wait for them to hit NMG&F with another $5mill use fee for hunting, in spots.

They have billions in the fund and our schools rank at the bottom yearly.
Oh I know I am.

Concerned that NM State Trust Lands will own any more.
Can't wait for them to hit NMG&F with another $5mill use fee for hunting, in spots.

They have billions in the fund and our schools rank at the bottom yearly.

Isn't that Game dept lease about to get renegotiated?

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