So long TV - Hello Amazon

Did Amazon remove RMEF as well? I vote for a Randy Newberg channel!
Yup. And Alaska Outdoors, and The Hunting Public, and ....... whoever else they want. They moved us to download (purchase) or stream for fee (rent) options. Given how many of you have bought or rented these episodes is amazing. Thanks for doing that.

Suffice to say, we're about nine months into our own platform decision, driven at a faster pace by changes at Amazon, YT, and FB. @Cornell2012 has one job - get that platform up and running, then refine it to be what best suits our long-term plans.
Pretty disappointing to see what Amazon is doing. Another case of big tech wokeism and censoring. Randy, check out switching to Rumble as I have a feeling screwtube isn't far behind.
So, all episodes are back on Amazon at a price. $27.99 for Season 8 and $9.99 for earlier seasons.
Season 7&8 available in the UK on Prime for no additional fee, bit of a mystery why that should be?
I made certain I watched all the episodes before I advised Randy...just in case they realised their error!
Pretty disappointing to see what Amazon is doing. Another case of big tech wokeism and censoring. Randy, check out switching to Rumble as I have a feeling screwtube isn't far behind.
We should not entertain arguments about cancel culture, heritage as those points of view belong on other forums. But your post does bring up something to me: sporting people directly and indirectly pay into conservation programs. The ethical public land hunting programming by Newberg, Hunting Public, MeatEater ought to be offered to viewers. Dropping such programs brings interest down and ultimately lowers tag sales, membership to conservation groups and opens up reduction in public land/conservation of such.

This brings up the power of our collective voice. Together we are stronger and if we collectively make a sincere argument for programming then we bring that to viewers everywhere. Thereby getting some viewers volunteering, buying that deer tag and continuing conservation of that State game land they never noticed before they became a hunter.
This evening is our last airing on outdoor TV. We've aired on TV for nine seasons, the first four as On Your Own Adventures and the last five seasons as Fresh Tracks. It has been an interesting learning experience and served some utility to accomplish part of the goals in our business plan.

With outdoor TV experiencing the same declines as all other TV platforms, the opportunity on other digital platforms is far more appealing in terms of reach, freedom, and finances. TV was 100% of our views just two years ago, prior to starting a YouTube channel in January 2016. When our Amazon channel launched in late August, it proved even more that traditional TV was a dying horse. In just two years, YouTube and Amazon are now 80% of our views, with TV shrinking to less than 20% of our views.

So, we have decided to leave outdoor TV. This video explains where you can find us.


The short version is this:

Amazon – This is where long-form content will premiere. It will be longer episodes than you saw in the past. It will be commercial-free. Both a big change from the format and style required of outdoor TV. It is free to Amazon Prime members.

YouTube – We will continue to use this for our day-by-day episodes, tips, ideas, advocacy, strategies, etc. And once the longer episodes have been on Amazon for a while, we will eventually post them here. For those without Amazon Prime, YouTube is a free platform where you will also get to watch the full episodes, just a bit later. If you subscribe (free), you will get notified when new episodes show up on YouTube.

By going exclusively to these two options, we accomplish many objectives that are critical to our "Why":
1. Make our content commercial-free.​
2. Make our content free to anyone willing to watch it.​
3. Get away from the model of outdoor TV where it is hard to tell a story the way you want, where even if your content is different you are required to package it according to the network guidelines, making it all look pretty much the same.​
4. Higher engagement with viewers where we can get feedback on what they watch more/less, what length, style, etc that attracts more viewers.​
5. Have the distribution platforms pay us, rather than pay the networks to distribute our content. In my nine years of outdoor TV, my annual airtime purchase cost has ranged from $52K to $185K. That’s a crazy amount of money, for the small amount of views TV gets you.​
6. Get away from the “King Maker” model that is outdoor TV. The networks make investments in some shows, giving them the best time slots, sending sponsors to those shows, giving them “tune in” advertising, and a host of other efforts to make sure these “investments” are given priority. Many comment how they don’t like what they see on outdoor TV. A big part of that is because the networks, many employees of such being non-hunters, get to pick and choose who they want to see as the “Kings.” That is fine. Their model and they can do what they want. I’m no longer in a position that I have to accept that.​
7. Be free of network contracts. Those contracts have serious consequences if you say/do things they find damaging to their business. It is all at their discretion. I’ve never been one to worry about hurt feelings, but hurt the feelings of the wrong person at the network and you will find you no longer have airtimes and you are then in breach of your sponsor contracts. Serious consequences come with breaching a sponsor contact.​

I’ve never been so excited to be headed where we are. It has been a ton of work, a lot of risk by me and our LLC members, required huge support from our sponsors who told us to take this risk, and support from all of you. We have a lot of new ideas that these platforms allow. You will see them in the coming year.

Want to thank all of you for the great support you have given us. Not a chance we would have been able to get here without your support.

Here are the links where you can watch us, anytime, commercial free.

>----> Amazon (free to Prime members) –
>----> YouTube (its free to subscribe) -

And if you want to watch a longer form episode on Amazon we made this 2017 antelope hunt live today. Click on the image below.

View attachment 78515
Amazing I will be searching for it soon!
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