So I had interesting Morning


Well-known member
Sep 4, 2022
I get home this morning and noticed the neighbors garbage can knocked over and I think well damn dogs at it again. I'm conversing with my lady friend for a little bit and head into my quarters to turn in after a very chillaxin night of work. I hear the old man leave and head to VFW to set up for the luncheon today so I know the dog is out.
I'm fixing to head to bed and dog starts going ballistic. Still on phone with lady friend when I open my door and to see what dog is raising hell about.

That's when Yogi stands up and looks at me and starts swiping at dog and chuffing a bit before he goes up the tree.

Now of course using all great sense of judgement I take photos of bear in tree. Put dog in house let mother and nephew know to keep him inside we have a bear in the tree in the front yard.

I go back outside and call it Sheriff's Office while this loveable creature is now swiping and chuffing. I get transferred to Tribal Dispatch and they send a Tribal Fish And Game Officer. He gets there and takes a look and asks if there was a cub. Told him no only see this one. We both decide this is a good sized bear. I ask what his plan is and Yogi starts chuffing again and making multiple swipes and he decides given the fact he swiped at dog and now swiping at him bear needs to forever hibernate.

So bear goes up tree further Game Warden #2 arrives they both assess bear is in need of more than a tranq dart and a relocation. Game Warden #1 arrows bear. Bear falls gets hung up and is finished with shotgun slug. He falls hits branch which springboards him onto the corner of the folks house, dents the tin, breaks the facia board, before landing in the dirt.

This made for an interesting day.Will finish roof tomorrow with the Old Man.


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Sounds like an interesting morning for sure. Looks like a good sized bear as well.
Sounds like an interesting morning for sure. Looks like a good sized bear as well.
They figure he was north of 400 lbs. They chased a sow and cub last night. School was on lockdown last week for bear on campus. Definitely largest black bear I've ever seen. I hope someone takes him, with him living predominantly on garbage it's unlikely. Not many folks like "diaper bears". Those young men that came out were so professional I need to talk to their command staff, they deserve kudos for it.
I was waiting for the part where you go buy a tag down the street, come back, and turn that bear into pot roast and a rug while the game wardens oversee everything.
I have the tag. Living on a reservation I can't take any animal since I'm not a Tribal member. And I hunt, this wouldn't have been hunting.
Well shoot - at least you got a great story and some excitement out of it! Thanks for sharing.
Well shoot - at least you got a great story and some excitement out of it! Thanks for sharing.
Thank you. He would've been so greasy, I really am curious to what his fat thickness is/was. If it meant not going waste I would've taken it. Definitely gonna get bear cans either purchased or built. Rather be part of solution than the problem.
It is interesting that the game warden shot him with a bow, although I suppose that would be the discreet way to handle it. Looks like he hit a bit far back.
It is interesting that the game warden shot him with a bow, although I suppose that would be the discreet way to handle it. Looks like he hit a bit far back.
Ya it was a bit back he said it himself. That's why he followed up with shotgun. He threaded the needle on the shot with the bow. Not sure how long he's been with Tribal Fish and Game, but he was cool as a cucumber.
It is interesting that the game warden shot him with a bow, although I suppose that would be the discreet way to handle it. Looks like he hit a bit far back.
I have saw that a handful of times around here. Mainly with EHD deer in town.

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