PEAX Equipment

So I got a Call...


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
From a Guy that drew the Same tag that I had last year. He is planning a Solo hunt back in there if he can get a Packer to take him in. He had no-one to go in with him. I talked about the unit and some things I would do and wished I was Going back in there with him. How Crazy is it to want to go 16 miles back into a Chit hole without a Tag just for fun ? (I guess I could ask T-bone ;) ). After getting off the Phone with him I was Truely upset I couldn't go back in with him. He might just Flat out Burn the Tag and not hunt it due to logistics of going Solo.....

MAN, Why do I sit here wanting to punish Myself and Go. I'm guessing if I didn't have a Baby due soon I'd figure out a Way to Punish myself and go |oo
Burn once-in-a-lifetime sheep tag OR go solo. :confused: Seems like a no-brainer, especially if he can find a packer. :D
Moosie, don't be giving away the top secret ram hide out.....I'm planning on drawing that next year.

ahhh man....he's gotta try at least. Is the guy experienced with good gear and in shape? That's all he'd need. Tell him to get a sat phone and go kill a ram.

For me,solo hunting in very remote areas is a psych game. The afternoons are easy to get discouraged and a little freaked. That's the time to take a break, eat, drink, and sleep. That way the eyes, mind, body and soul are rested for the evening prime time glassing.
Won't give out "ALL" the secrets there bud. I hope you draw, I'm there with ya !!!!!

He's geting a Sat phone and gunnagive it a wirl I think. I hope he does well.
That's gotta be a tuff solo hunt. I mean a sheep skull cap and cape and boned out meat would be an overload. It would take 2 trips probably.
This kind of stuff blows me away. Why on earth would you put in for a coveted tag like that and not have a gameplan? I don't know about Idaho, but in Monatana its a seven year wait before you can even apply again after you draw (with terrible and getting worse, odds). You'd think people would put a little thought in ahead of time. Meanwhile there are plenty of unlucky saps who are rarin' to go. the only thing they need is a tag!

There is no known cure for what you have. It can only be kepted in remission with frequent sheep hunts. Need to change your handle to "Sheepie"!

i share your feelings of frustration with people not using the tag. From talking with people, about %50 of the people don't have a clue what they are for for that specific unit. They go in there, take a look at the country and turn around and go home. It has decent odds of drawing and that seems to draw the people.

For me, there is no other sheep unit in Idaho. It took me 9 years to pull my 1st tag and after 3 weeks in there and 3 very close calls with big rams, came home empty without even pulling a trigger. Hopefully I'll get another before the knees get too old.

Spandex boy Moosie got a small taste of that unit last year and he's ready for more. Hopefully next year, he'll get it.
Well, I'm the guy moosie talked to and I appreciate his advice. I am going in one way or the other, just looking for the "best" option. BTW I am still looking for a packer. Thought I had a friend lined up with horses but he injured his back and doesn't think he can make it now. Got a call in to the IOGA for clarification on what is considered "outfitting". Want to see if I can hire horses in and out only. No guiding involved just transportation. I'm in decent shape and have backpacked in there twice now from both ends on scouting trips. One trip cut short due to the heat (in the 90's).
The distance involved coming in from the south is a major obstacle mainly due to concerns about losing the meat to spoilage. I can hunt solo in there, have a sat phone reserved and have a plan B in case the hiring a packer thing falls through. Idaho regulations on guiding really complicate matters.
Now that would be a fun hunt all by ones self...

One day, maybe my ship will come in on the tags I put in for....:)

Good luck with that hambone and keep us up to date on your progress... :)
I think this will be my "vision quest". A little late in life but hey, better late than never. :D I also just spoke with the "enforcement officer" and he says I can rent horses to get my game out and the owner can come in with the horses to make sure things are done correctly, for the safety of his animals. But it is for recovery of game only, can't pack me in. So now I am considering going in light a couple weekends before the hunt cache some stuff (also scout a little) so I don't have to carry everything in at once. Then make arrangements to call a packer if I'm successful to get me out. Oh, and the comment I made about burning the tag was that I would rather burn the tag than kill a sheep and lose it to spoilage so I wasn't going to go in there 15 miles, by myself, with no way to pack one out before it spoiled. I still have options to pull this off and I am working on them.
He might just Flat out Burn the Tag and not hunt it due to logistics of going Solo.....

Unfortunately that unit the Logistics are you can't hunt it Solo to effectivly. I feel for ya bud !!!!

Let's talk about the Fetchg IOGA....

Outfitters can Suck my @#$@. Them sun'so B#$ches .. "You can Hire someone to pack you out but not in B.S."

I'm about 2"s away from starting an Anti Outfitter Org to Kick them Bastages in the Nucking Futs. They Bulldog and Lobby the Stupidest Chit to keep the Average hunter out of enjoying the Wilderness.

there was a Case 4 years ago with a Guy hireing a Jet boat to bring him up the River and the Outfitters sited him for that. HE fought it and Got out of it. I'm gonig to spend some Time in the Law Library later this week and Get some Facts. They run on alot of BS at the IOGA.

Wyoming can't go hunting in the Wilderness without an Outfitter BS. but you can do any other recreation activity there without a Guide.

1/2 the Fetching time they say Intimidating crap because no one questions it. Most of the Time it's Bunk. Them Bastages.

Get a Friend to do it for you. Reimburse him 1/2 his Expenses. thats 100% legal. If anyone says anything or you go to Court I'll fund it. Them BAstages.,,,,,,,,,

Somebody stop me before I start IAFO "Idahoins Against Outfitters"...... the "F" is silent...........

Got a friend in North Fork who has two packing horses and said he'd be glad to go in and help me pack out the sheep. Now I just need to arrange for a two horse trailer so we can get em up there he just has a single horse trailer. Another buddy said he'd go in on the first weekend and help me carry in my stuff, then I'd be on my own till the next weekend or if I get lucky enough to get a ram then I'll call on the sat phone and they'll come in and get me out the next day. It's lookin' better than it did a couple days ago.
Nothing wrong with going solo for sheep.

I shot my first Stone's ram a few years ago way back in the middle of nowhere on a solo backpack hunt.

The pack was certainly heavy with boned out quarters and horns/cape when hiking out....

No reason to see why it can't be done !!! ... once you're in there ... your eyes will do most of the walking !!!!

Lighten up the meat load by cutting it into strips and air drying it in the sun/wind for a few hours and pepper over the meat to keep flies off......get out and have it ground into pepperoni !!!!!!!

Best of luck !
Pack in a frying pan, make sure you kill your ram the first day, then stay until you eat the ram, and pack out the head and cape.

Moosie be careful, there could be licensed guides on here.
Age is definitely a factor. I just can't do things now that I could 20 years ago when I was Moosie's age but I ain't ready for the rocking chair yet. Probably take me two days to pack in there instead of one like Moosie and his partner but I'll still get there and have a day to scout before the opener. Like TK says, "I ain't as good as I once was - but I'm as good once as I ever was." BCBucks is right, I plan to spend most of my time moving slow and glassing. Have a book on sheep hunting that tells the story of a 62 year old gal who killed a B&C ram in Montana hunting on her own. When the men offered to help her on her hunt she turned them down saying that the men she hunted with all moved way too much and she was more successful by being patient and taking her time. Wise advice!
Arcat, I hope there are guides on here.... Actually I know a few ;) It's not the Guides or even outfitters that I get mad at, Although some are dusch bags, It's the Rules that they have against the average hunter. I think the IOGLB sucks Wang, Period.

That being said, the best way to fix that is Change the Rules. You'll see something about tht in the future from here :D :D Right now I'm frying Big fish for my future. So I'm in over my heals in Lining up Dominos to step away and fight a Battle. But I'll be back :p
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