
SNL & The Weekend Update turn gun control skit into anti-hunting skit

I laughed my ass off,just like always if I see a clip. Like watching fuax or cnn or msbcnc....
Some of the SNL skits are pure gold (Will Ferrell as Bush), regardless of the party they ridicule..

Micheal Che isn't even funny on his anti-hunting rant, or anything else he's done.
Speaking of guns...
Some of the SNL skits are pure gold (Will Ferrell as Bush), regardless of the party they ridicule..

Micheal Che isn't even funny on his anti-hunting rant, or anything else he's done.

There was one with Ferrell as Bush leaning on a horse railed fence... Epic. Will Ferrell was great!

Edit added: Google for the win...

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I seen that clip and was a bit disturbed that they combined hunting in with the gun thing,,,though funny,im getting tired of the trump stuff,,,seems like they are all democratic hipocrits.
Close encounter alien abduction. Best of the recent crew. Californians are hilarious.
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I think it's safe to say that I am in favor of more gun control than most on this forum. With that said I did not find the SNL skit funny and yes it is just a comedy show, but their arguments were poorly thought out. However, I don't see this as the fault of the "left". As hunters, we need to take a serious look at why the non-hunting public has such a deep misunderstanding of what we do and our motivations.

I have said this before, but growing up in a non-hunting culture I had a bad opinion regarding hunters not necessarily hunting. Since I started hunting and getting involved with organizations like BHA I have met many great people who have become my closest friends. I have also run into hunters who literally make me cringe. Unfortunately, the bad apples among us stick out like a sore thumb. Randy and others like Steven Rinella are doing a lot to change perceptions, but we obviously have a long way to go.